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Add a wait-free intrusive stack data structure
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The WFIStack is added to the set of experimental data structures.
This data structure has, from experience, proven useful for implementing a number of other concurrency primitives.
  • Loading branch information
chrisvest committed Jun 18, 2020
1 parent c0b570d commit 563df1d
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286 changes: 286 additions & 0 deletions jctools-experimental/src/main/java/org/jctools/stacks/
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jctools.stacks;

import org.jctools.util.UnsafeAccess;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

* A Wait-Free Intrusive Stack (Last-In, First-Out).
* <p>
* This stack has wait-free push, and wait-free bulk pop and bulk replace operations.
* The single-item pop operation is non-blocking but not wait-free.
* <p>
* The stack supports multiple concurrent consumers and multiple concurrent producers.
* <p>
* The stack is intrusive, and implementors must extend the {@link Node} class in order to use the stack.
* These node objects cannot be reused, and must be allocated fresh for every push.
* <p>
* The implementation draws inspiration from Dmitry Vyukov's
* <a href="">
* Intrusive MPSC node-based queue</a>, but is oriented as a stack instead of a queue, and supports MPMC.
* @param <T> The type of node in this stack.
@SuppressWarnings( {"unchecked", "NullableProblems"})
public class WFIStack<T extends WFIStack.Node>
* The super-class of all nodes, or entries, for {@link WFIStack wait-free intrusive stacks}.
public static abstract class Node
volatile Node next;
int count;

final Node next()
Node n = next;
while (n == null)
// TODO: Thread.onSpinWait
n = next;
return n;

<X extends Node> X self()
return (X) this;

private static class NodeIterable<E extends Node> implements Iterable<E>
private Node start;

private NodeIterable(Node start)
this.start = start;

public Iterator<E> iterator()
return new NodeIterator<>(start);

public NodeIterable<E> reverse()
Node curr = END;
Node next = start;
while (next != END)
Node n = next;
next =; = curr;
curr = n;
start = curr;
return this;

private static class NodeIterator<E extends Node> implements Iterator<E>
Node next;

public NodeIterator(Node start)
next = start.self();

public boolean hasNext()
return next != null;

public E next()
Node n = next;
if (n == null)
throw new NoSuchElementException();
next =;
return (E) n;

private static final Node END = new Node()
next = this; // Next from END is END itself.

<X extends Node> X self()
return null;
private static final long HEAD_OFFSET = UnsafeAccess.fieldOffset(WFIStack.class, "head");

@SuppressWarnings( {"FieldCanBeLocal", "FieldMayBeFinal"})
private volatile Node head; // Accessed via UNSAFE.

* Create an empty wait-free intrusive stack.
public WFIStack()
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Unsafe::getAndSetObject support (JDK 8+) is required for this stack to work.");
head = END;

public int size()
Node h = head; // Take snapshot of stack.; // Ensure 'count' has been updated, by ensuring 'next' has been updated.
return h.count;

* Push the given node onto the head of the stack.
* <p>
* This operation is wait-free and has constant time-complexity.
* @param node The node to push onto the stack.
public void push(T node)
T n = xchgHead(node);
node.count = n.count + 1; // Update 'count' before volatile store to 'next'. = n;

* Remove all nodes from the stack, and return an iterable of the removed nodes.
* The returned iterable is a complete and atomic snapshot of the stack contents at the time of the method call.
* Racing callers will not see any overlap between their returned iterables.
* The iterable is re-entrant, so {@link Iterable#iterator()} can be called on it multiple times, and it will
* always produce the same result.
* <p>
* This operation is wait-free and has constant time-complexity.
* @return An iterable of all the nodes in the stack.
public Iterable<T> popAll()
return new NodeIterable<>(xchgHead(END));

* Remove all nodes from the stack, and return an iterable of the removed nodes.
* The returned iterable is a complete and atomic snapshot of the stack contents at the time of the method call.
* Racing callers will not see any overlap between their returned iterables.
* The iterable is re-entrant, so {@link Iterable#iterator()} can be called on it multiple times, and it will
* always produce the same result.
* <p>
* This operation is wait-free and has time-complexity linear to the number of elements in the returned iterable.
* @return An iterable of all the nodes in the stack.
public Iterable<T> popAllFifo()
return new NodeIterable<T>(xchgHead(END)).reverse();

* Replaces and returns all nodes in the stack with the given node, and return an iterable of the removed nodes.
* The returned iterable is a complete and atomic snapshot of the stack contents at the time of the method call.
* Racing callers will not see any overlap between their returned iterables.
* The iterable is re-entrant, so {@link Iterable#iterator()} can be called on it multiple times, and it will
* always produce the same result.
* <p>
* This operation is wait-free and has constant time-complexity.
* @return An iterable of all the nodes in the stack, in Last In, First Out order.
public Iterable<T> replaceAll(T node)
node.count = 1; = END;
return new NodeIterable<>(xchgHead(node));

* Replaces and returns all nodes in the stack with the given node, and return an iterable of the removed nodes.
* The returned iterable is a complete and atomic snapshot of the stack contents at the time of the method call.
* Racing callers will not see any overlap between their returned iterables.
* The iterable is re-entrant, so {@link Iterable#iterator()} can be called on it multiple times, and it will
* always produce the same result.
* <p>
* This operation is wait-free and has time-complexity linear to the number of elements in the returned iterable.
* @return An iterable of all the nodes in the stack, in First In, First Out order.
public Iterable<T> replaceAllFifo(T node)
node.count = 1; = END;
return new NodeIterable<T>(xchgHead(node)).reverse();

* Pop, or remove, the most recently pushed node, or return {@code null} if the stack is empty.
* <p>
* This operation is non-blocking, but not wait-free. It has constant time-complexity.
* @return The most recently pushed node, if any, or {@code null}.
public T pop()
Node candidate, successor;
candidate = head;
if (candidate == END)
return null;
successor =;
while (!casHead(candidate, successor));
return candidate.self();

private void checkPush(T node)
assert == null : "WFIStack.Nodes cannot be reused.";

private T xchgHead(Node node)
return (T) UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE.getAndSetObject(this, HEAD_OFFSET, node);

private boolean casHead(Node expected, Node update)
return UnsafeAccess.UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(this, HEAD_OFFSET, expected, update);

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