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Releases: IBM/cics-bundle-gradle


07 Dec 11:50
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Version 1.0.5 of the CICS bundle Gradle plugin is now available.

New features

This release includes the following new features:

What's Changed

  • #140 Gradle 8 support

Breaking changes

This release includes no breaking changes.

Fixes and chores

This release includes the following fixes and chores:

  • #134 Fix prereqs link
  • #135 Update
  • #137 Update readme with Gradle 8 incompatibility

Full Changelog: 1.0.4...1.0.5


11 May 11:17
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Version 1.0.4 of the CICS bundle Gradle plugin is now available.

New features

This release includes the following new features:

  • #127 Add version range support

Breaking changes

This release includes no breaking changes.

Fixes and chores

This release includes the following fixes and chores:

  • #118 Use BND plugin instead of deprecated OSGi plugin. Use latest Gradle 7.4.2 in tests
  • #131 Update dependencies


23 Mar 09:49
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Version 1.0.3 of the CICS bundle Gradle plugin is now available.

Breaking changes

This release includes no breaking changes.

Fixes and chores

This release includes the following fixes and chores:

  • #111 #112 Assumption "project.version is String" leads to incompatibilities with other plugins
  • README updates

Full Changelog: 1.0.2...1.0.3


08 Feb 15:59
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Version 1.0.2 of the CICS bundle Gradle plugin is now available.

New features

This release includes the following new features:

  • #90 #102 Made cicsplex and region optional to support single regions (SMSS), so either both or neither should be specified.

Breaking changes

This release includes no breaking changes.

Fixes and chores

This release includes the following fixes and chores:

  • #104 Various open source dependency updates.
  • Various doc updates


06 Aug 09:27
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Version 1.0.1 of the CICS bundle Gradle plugin is now available.

Breaking changes

This release contains the following breaking change:

  • #80 Change src/main/resources to src/main/bundleParts and allow config

    More details: Previously, non-Java-based CICS bundle parts such as programs or URI maps could be placed in src/main/resources to have them included into the bundle. This had a confusing effect when using the standalone project form, because these bundle parts were picked up by both the CICS bundle plugin and the Java plugin, so they ended up both inside the CICS bundle and inside the JAR/WAR/etc.

    Now, non-Java-based CICS bundle parts should be put in src/main/bundleParts, and they will only end up in the CICS bundle.

    You can also configure the location of this folder, relative to src/main:

    cicsBundle {
        build {
            bundlePartsDirectory = 'myBundleParts'

Fixes and chores

This release includes the following fixes:

  • #83 Store password as char array
  • #79 Update test projects to enable deployment to real CICS system
  • #75 Rename web-app to webapp in samples


12 Jun 14:07
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Version 1.0.0 of the CICS bundle Gradle plugin is now available.

New capabilities

The main new feature is the support for explicitly configured bundle parts (#63), allowing the override of the name or the JVM server to be used. For example:

dependencies {
    // Normal dependency with no overrides.
    cicsBundlePart 'org.codehaus.cargo:simple-ear:1.7.7@ear'

    // Override name and jvmserver of simple-bundle-1.7.7.
    cicsBundleOsgi {
        dependency = cicsBundle(group: 'org.codehaus.cargo', name: 'simple-bundle', version: '1.7.7', ext: 'jar')
        name = 'new-name'
        jvmserver = 'NEWJVMS'

    // Override file extension of simple-war-1.7.7 so it is processed as an ear instead.
    cicsBundleEar(dependency: cicsBundle('org.codehaus.cargo:simple-war:1.7.7@war'))

Breaking changes

This release contains the following breaking change:

  • #66 Rename cicsBundle configuration to cicsBundlePart

    More details: As part of a review of terminology before getting to this 1.0.0 release, we've renamed the cicsBundle configuration, which is used to define CICS bundle part dependencies, to cicsBundlePart. To deal with this, simply change the spelling in the dependencies section of your build.gradle:

      dependencies {
    -     cicsBundle 'org.codehaus.cargo:simple-ear:1.7.7@ear'
    +     cicsBundlePart 'org.codehaus.cargo:simple-ear:1.7.7@ear'

Fixes and chores

This release includes the following fix:

  • #65 Check contents of bundle part files 


05 Mar 16:29
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v0.0.2 Pre-release

v0.0.2 is a minor new version of the CICS bundle Gradle plugin.

The main changes are:


24 Feb 08:49
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v0.0.1 Pre-release

v0.0.1 is our first release of the CICS bundle Gradle plugin, ID

The CICS bundle Gradle plugin is available from the Gradle Plugin Portal.

This release comes with support for building a CICS bundle module, containing the following types of bundle part:

  • EAR
  • OSGi bundle
  • WAR
  • EBA
  • FILE

You can either have a separate module for the CICS bundle, or convert an existing Java-based module (for example, a JAR or WAR module) to also produce a CICS bundle.

See the README for more information.