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gh pages deploy Netlify Status

Again the new start.

Old version

Get Startred

npm run dev

Run dev server at http://localhost:3000

npm run build

Build your website to public folder which you can deploy to GitHub Pages, Netlify or wherever you want.


                      +----------+              Lambda,          Cache,
                      |  Action  |              Redirect,        Security,
                      |          |              etc.             etc.
                  +---+----+-----v----+        +---------+     +------------+         +---------+
+--------+  Push  |        |          | Deploy | Netlify |     |            |   1st   |         |
| Author +--------> master | gh-pages +-------->   or    <-----+ Cloudflare <---------+ Clients |
+--------+        |        |          |        | Vercel  |     |            | Request |         |
                  +--------+-----^----+        +---------+     +------------+         +----+----+
                                 |                                                         |
                   Github Repo   |                                                         |
                                 |           +----------+                                  |
                                 |           |          |       After Vue App loaded       |
                                 +-----------+ jsDelivr <----------------------------------+
                                             |          |      Images, Styles, JS, etc.



  1. Blog posts text pages/_posts and assets in pages/_assets are licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license.
  2. Except for pages, all other codes content in this repository are licensed under the MIT license.
  3. All Copyright reserved for the rest of the content.