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Pattern based string parsing


  • Parsing Expression Grammar
  • Operator Precedence Parsing

Basic Usage Example

Example Code

using System;
using Heart.Parsing;
using Heart.Parsing.Patterns;

namespace demo
    class Program
        static void Main()
            // Text to match against
            string inputText = " [ a + b * c ] ";

            // Initialize ParserContext with inputText
            var ctx = new ParserContext(inputText);

            // Create PatternParser from grammar file
            var parser = ParsingHelper.BuildPatternParser("path/to/grammar/file");

            // Select the root pattern, explictally trim (left & right) using the _ pattern
            var pattern = parser.Patterns["root"].Trim(parser.Patterns["_"]);

            // Match the pattern against the ParserContext
            var node = pattern.TryMatch(parser, ctx);

            // Convert the IParseNode tree to a string for demonstration purposes
            // Will display expressions in the unambigious postfix notation
            string postfixNotation = StringCompiler.Compile(node);

Example Grammar File

# Nonsignificant rule
# _ is used between sequences of matches implicitly to handle nonsignificant patterns e.g. whitespace and comments
# Uses `` to indicate regex
_ -> `\s*`

# Root rule
# Sequence of open square bracket, expression, close square bracket
# Uses '' to indicate plain text
root -> '[' expr ']'

# Expression rule
# Format
# Key LeftPrecedence RightPrecedence PegPattern
# Lower precedence results in tighter binding
expr ->
        #WantOperand (Nullary, Prefix)
        '()'         none none '(' expr ')'
        'u+'         none 1    '+'
        'u-'         none 1    '-'
        '~'          none 1    '~'
        'real'       none none `\d+\.\d+`
        'integral'   none none `\d+`
        'boolean'    none none 'true' / 'false'
        'identifier' none none `[_a-zA-Z]\w*`

        #HaveOperand (Postfix, Infix)
        '$'          0    none '(' (expr (',' expr)*)? ')'
        '*'          3    3    '*'
        '/'          3    3    '/'
        '+'          4    4    '+'
        '-'          4    4    '-'
        '<='         5    5    '<='
        '>='         5    5    '>='
        '<'          5    5    '<'
        '>'          5    5    '>'
        '=='         6    6    '=='
        '!='         6    6    '!='
        '&'          7    7    '&'
        '^'          8    8    '^'
        '|'          9    9    '|'
        '?:'         10   99   '?' expr ':'
        '!'          2    none '!'

Postfix Notation Output

[ (+ a (* b c)) ]

How it works

Parsing Expression Grammars

Recursive descent parsing using a pattern tree, recursion is handled by key-based lookups against PatternParser.Patterns

Implemented rules:

  • Sequence: e1 e2
  • Ordered choice: e1 / e2
  • Zero-or-more: e*
  • One-or-more: e+
  • Optional: e?
  • And-predicate: &e
  • Not-predicate: !e

Operator Precedence Parsing


  • Operators have 2 nullable precedences, left? and right?
  • Operators with equal precedence are left associative
  • By using asymmetric precedence, right associativity can be achieved
  • Precedence is parsed using a modified Shunting-yard algorithm

Operator Categories based on precedence

  • Nullary (null, null)
  • Prefix (null, *)
  • Postfix (*, null)
  • Infix (*, *)

Parsing States

  • There are 2 states while parsing WantOperand and HaveOperand
  • Nullary/Prefix operators can be matched during WantOperand
  • Postfix/Infix operators can be matched during HaveOperand
  • State is initialized to WantOperand
  • Parsing a Nullary operator will transition state from WantOperand -> HaveOperand
  • Parsing an Infix operator will transition state from HaveOperand -> WantOperand
  • Parsing a Prefix or Postfix operator will not cause a state transition allowing them to be chained

Operators match using an arbitrary IPattern which may contain a recursive ExpressionPattern, this is how parentheses, ternary and method call operators are handled

Nonsignificant patterns

Whitespace and comments are handled using the reserved _ rule name
It is implicitly inserted between and only between any sequence of terminal matches (SequencePattern, QuantifierPattern, ExpressionPattern)

Further Reading

Parsing Expression Grammars

Operator Precedence Parsing


Parsing Expression Grammar + Operator Precedence Parser







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