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GenericInfo Struct


Namespace: Roslynator.CSharp.Syntax

Assembly: Roslynator.CSharp.dll

Provides information about generic syntax (class, struct, interface, delegate, method or local function).

public readonly struct GenericInfo


ObjectValueType → GenericInfo


Property Summary
ConstraintClauses A list of constraint clauses.
Kind The kind of this syntax node.
Node The syntax node that can be generic (for example ClassDeclarationSyntax for a class or LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax for a local function).
Success Determines whether this struct was initialized with an actual syntax.
TypeParameterList The type parameter list.
TypeParameters A list of type parameters.


Method Summary
Equals(Object) (Inherited from ValueType)
FindConstraintClause(String) Searches for a constraint clause with the specified type parameter name and returns the first occurrence within the constraint clauses.
FindTypeParameter(String) Searches for a type parameter with the specified name and returns the first occurrence within the type parameters.
GetHashCode() (Inherited from ValueType)
GetType() (Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseClone() (Inherited from Object)
RemoveAllConstraintClauses() Creates a new GenericInfo with all constraint clauses removed.
RemoveConstraintClause(TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax) Creates a new GenericInfo with the specified constraint clause removed.
RemoveTypeParameter(TypeParameterSyntax) Creates a new GenericInfo with the specified type parameter removed.
ToString() (Inherited from ValueType)
WithConstraintClauses(SyntaxList<TypeParameterConstraintClauseSyntax>) Creates a new GenericInfo with the constraint clauses updated.
WithTypeParameterList(TypeParameterListSyntax) Creates a new GenericInfo with the type parameter list updated.