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💻 Repository for WordPress theme development for


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Repository for WordPress theme development for


  1. Use hgnm-wp-dev to set up a development environment & bootstrap dependencies (including this theme repo).

  2. Once hgnm-wp-dev is up and running, cd to the theme directory:

    cd ~/Local\ Sites/hgnm/app/public/wp-content/themes/hgnm-2014
  3. Install development dependencies (requires Node/npm):

    npm install

That’s it! Using the hgnm-wp-dev set-up with Local by Flywheel, a fully functional WordPress install can be found at http://hgnm.local.

Changes to any of the PHP theme files can be seen by refreshing your browser.


Working on stylesheets

hgnm-2014’s stylesheets are written using SASS and can be found in the scss directory. These need to be compiled to a CSS file to be used in the browser. There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. Compile to CSS once:

    npm run css:build
  2. Watch the scss directory and auto-compile to CSS when something changes:

    npm run css:watch

⚠️ If SCSS files do not follow the style rules set in .sass-lint.yml, you will see build errors

💡 Use Atom with linter and linter-sass-lint to see feedback about style errors while you edit

Committing changes

hgnm-2014 uses the Conventional Commits standard for commit messages. This enables automatic changelog generation and easier semantic versioning.

To ensure your commits conform to this format, use the Commitizen command line tool instead of git commit:

npx git-cz

Commitizen will show you a series of prompts to fill out and format your responses into a tidy commit message.

⚠️ If a commit message does not conform to the standard, commitlint will reject it on the command line and on Travis-CI.

Releasing a version

  1. Bump version numbers, update the changelog, and tag a new release:

    npm run release
  2. Push your changes including the newly created tag to GitHub:

    git push --follow-tags

    After you have pushed your tag, Travis CI will build and attach it to the GitHub release. This archive is used by automatic theme updates in WordPress.

  3. Copy the changes listed in to the release notes on GitHub.

Bundling the theme archive

To build the theme, producing a bundled theme archive, run:

npm run build


For more details on how hgnm-2014 is structured and implements its functionality, see ARCHITECTURE.


These are automatically installed if you use the hgnm-wp-dev environment.

  • Elliot Condon’s Advanced Custom Fields {v5}

    Used to manage complex custom back-end input fields, which will be displayed within the theme.