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User Guide for Celery's Isaac Command Script (CICS)

Command Description Aliases Subcommands
!trivia Trivia based on Isaac data, Custom Trivia - start: Starts a 15 minute Trivia Round
- stop: Stops Trivia and outputs the results in chat
- question: Force a new question
- score: Outputs the current running or last ran Trivia scores
- set: Sets Trivia mode to "standard", "custom" or "combined"
- leaderboard: Shows Trivia Wins leaderboard, use "leaderboard score" for points leaderboard.
!spindown Retrieve Isaac Spindown Data !sd - [number]: Retrieves Isaac Spindown Data by ID
- wrong: After !spindown search returns multiple results this is used to show them
- [anything]: Retrieves Isaac Spindown Data by search term
!item Retrieve Isaac Item Data !it - [number]: Retrieves Isaac Item Data by ID
- wrong: After !item search returns multiple results this is used to show them
- [anything]: Retrieves Isaac Item Data by search term
!trinket Retrieve Isaac Trinket Data !tk - [number]: Retrieves Isaac Trinket Data by ID
- wrong: After !trinket search returns multiple results this is used to show them
- [anything]: Retrieves Isaac Trinket Data by search term
!consumable Retrieve Isaac Consumable Data !con - wrong: After !consumable search returns multiple results this is used to show them
- [anything]: Retrieves Isaac Consumable Data by search term
!birthright Retrieve Isaac Birthright Data !br - wrong: After !birthright search returns multiple results this is used to show them
- [anything]: Retrieves Isaac Birthright Data by search term
!interaction Interaction data for various Isaac items !int - bov: Book of Virtues Interactions
- bob: Book of Belial Interactions
- aby: Abyss Interactions