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Releases: GoldenGnu/jeveassets

jEveAssets 7.9.0

23 May 16:37
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New Features:
-Keep original name when cloning stockpiles (contributed by Ed Thelleres)
-Show/Hide container ItemID in the Assets and Tree tools
-Lock tool tabs
-Stockpile can now hide the subpile tree
-Play sound when outbid data can be updated again
-Stockpiles shopping list CSV/Spreadsheet format
-Added TypeID column to the materials tool
-Added Tags column to the journal tool
-Added Tags column to the transactions tool
-Stockpile matching/contains all for assets
-Added commodity category to the materials tool
-Added corporation wallet division 1-7 columns to the isk tool
-Added price changes tool
-Added date values to formula columns
-Save industry jobs history (optional, on by default)
-Get missing item data from EveRef (data not in ESI)
-Added packaged volume column to the assets and tree tools
-Added link to jEveAssets discord server

Bug Fixes:
-Industry Jobs blueprints show as output material
-Stockpile group editing would sometimes lead to visual artifacts
-Stockpile target column sometimes truncate editable numbers
-Overflow in Formula/Jumps/Tags menus
-Lookup menu Eve Tycoon used the wrong link
-Fixed reactions calculations (contributed by Ed Thelleres)
-Subpile count in the stockpile shopping list was always zero
-Tags was bold on first render
-CtD when importing stockpile text into new/rename stockpile
-CtD in the stockpile tool (BugID 1074 & 1076)

-Removed EveMarketer from the lookup menu
-Replaced with in lookup menu
-Sort stockpile shopping list by name
-Improved account import usability

-Update multiple missing items at the same time

jEveAssets 7.8.1

18 Oct 18:20
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Bug Fixes:
-Removed outbid auto-update due to impact on esi
-Added advanced contracting to the slots tool (Reported by MagnarM)

Statement regarding removing features:
jEveAssets outbid auto update had a negative impact on ESI (and thereby Eve) - that is not acceptable! ESI is a shared resource and that means everyone who use it have to use it responsible. In this case the means I had to remove the functionality from jEveAssets, which isn't something I like doing, but, it had to be done to be a good esi citizen, which is absolutely required.

jEveAssets 7.8.0

03 Oct 14:13
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New Features:
-Rename Stockpile Groups (Issue #379)
-Group multiple stockpiles (Issue #377)
-Delete multiple stockpiles (Issue #377)
-Added income/expenditure/total to the journal statusbar (Issue #17)
-Import systems to the routing tool (Issue #208)
-Sorting contract columns now sort the contract groups too (Issue #374)
-Added ore/ice/gas to the materials tool (Issue #391)
-Made each group optional in the materials tool (Issue #391)
-Added reprocessed/manufacturing columns to the contracts tool (Issue #412)
-Import eve fitting xml to stockpiles (Issue #382)
-Added output volume column to the industry jobs tool (Issue #418)
-Different color for orders outbid by your own orders (Issue #416)
-Added option to ignore multiplier for stockpile items (Issue #411)
-Added owned column to industry jobs/market orders/contracts

Bug Fixes:
-Update table cell on stockpile delete
-Reprocessed count/account name/stockpile multiplier require enter (Issue #410)
-Stockpile menu wasn't updating on stockpile rename
-Added expired status to contracts (Issue #415)
-PB materials added to stockpiles are rounded up (Issue #413)

-Removed API as a market price source

-Added fail-safe for endless outbid update loop on error

jEveAssets 7.7.0

08 Aug 15:21
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New Features:
-Added corporation mining ledger (Issue #371)
-Added wallet division column to the market orders tool (Issue #375)
-Added completed by column to the industry jobs tool (Issue #389)
-Allow users to add their own mp3 files for sound alerts (Issue #378)
-Manufacturing price column to assets/tree/items/market orders (Issue #138)
-Made the stockpile dialog for adding manufacturing materials more detailed
-Retry invalid accounts from the account manager
-Added options for more visible chart colors (Issue #387 & #404)
-Added tooltips for filter buttons

Bug Fixes:
-Stockpile total for transaction and contract columns showed wrong value
-Ensure adding to the reprocessed tool is always great than zero
-Industry jobs default filters didn't include cancelled/reverted (Issue #399)
-Stockpile menu could overflow (Issue #381)
-Shopping list and subpiles didn't work with "matching all" (Issue #403)

-Made it more obvious that reprocessed count is editable
-Made it more obvious that stockpile multiplier and target cells are editable
-Removed evepraisal from the lookup menu

-Moved reprocessed price to the item class (Issue #373)
-Changed audio format from wave to mp3 (Issue #378)

jEveAssets 7.6.2

02 Jul 09:59
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Bug Fixes:
-Corporation accounts did not work
-Price History remained empty after adding items
-Tracker Show icon was not correct on startup
-Mining Graph showed wrong values with multiple mining characters

-Updated eve-esi to 4.8.1

jEveAssets 7.6.1

29 Apr 18:46
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Bug Fixes:
-Mining Graph entries was not sorted by date

jEveAssets 7.6.0

08 Apr 10:05
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New Features:
-Added character mining ledger (graph and log) (Issue #20)
-Added a new tool with character skills (Issue #345)
-Added stockpile groups (issue #321)
-Stockpile import now have BPO/PBC/Runs/Materials options (issue #357)
-Use item count when add to stockpiles (contributed by Boran Lordsworth)
-Added volume packaged column to the items tool
-Allowed subpile total rows to be column sorted (issue #352)
-Added slot type column to the assets/tree/stockpile/items tools (Issue #89)
-Added charge size column to the assets/tree/stockpile/items tools (Issue #89)
-Play sound when industry jobs are completed. Off by default (Issue #293)
-Play sound when outbid data is updated. Off by default (Issue #287)
-Added next x hours/days date filters (Issue #246)
-Chart date labels are now scaled according to the shown range (Issue #356)

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed buttons shapes in separator tables with the FlatLAF
-Editing accounts did not update the scopes

-Market orders and transaction volume columns now use packaged volume

jEveAssets 7.5.0

15 Mar 13:53
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New Features:
-Streamlined stockpile import and added import into stockpile (Issue #228)
-Including sub items are now optional for stockpile flag filters (Issue #358)
-Added SellMin/BuyMax columns to the stockpile tool (Issue #365)
-Added Volume/SellMin/BuyMax columns to the market orders tool (Issue #365 #364)
-Added journal menu for finding related transactions/contracts/industry jobs
-Added context column to the journal
-Added Transaction ID column to the Transactions tool
-Added Order ID column to the Market Orders tool
-Added Job ID column to the Industry Jobs tool

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug in include sub container filter (always included subs)
-Ignore leading/trailing white space on stockpile text import
-Stockpile contracts match all wasn't working (Issue #266)
-Fix for "Contract not public" and "Contract not found" errors (Issue #360)
-Fixed concurrency problem in ApiIdConverter.getItemUpdate()

-Hide zeroes that are stand-in for no data on subpiles rows in stockpile tool

-Switch to using the affiliation and names endpoints
-Removed the contract price API (Thanks to Rihan for hosting it for so long)

jEveAssets 7.4.0

24 Nov 13:10
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New Features:
-Added to the lookup menu (Issue #351)
-Added option only including contracts with all the stockpile items (Issue #266)
-Blueprint copying output as assets (Optional, off by default)
-Set status for Contracts and Market Orders no longer in ESI (Issue #349)
-Added Stockpile filter for industry job duration (Issue #348)
-Added volume column to the Transaction tool (Issue #350)
-Added Completed Date and Paused Date columns to the Industry Jobs tool
-Added import to the reprocessing tool (Issue #335)
-Display total minerals (minerals*count) in the reprocessed tool (Issue #302)
-Added avg/count/max/min of selected numeric cells/column to the table menu
-Added market orders and contracts to the slots tool (Issue #347)
-Added Availability column to the contracts tool (Public or Private)

-Improved the ToolTip for the Transaction Margin columns
-Only include industry jobs if not delivered to assets yet

Bug Fixes:
-Handle space and comma thousands separators when editing in tables (Issue #344)
-Added sum table menu tooltip (was null)
-Fixed table header not resizing on sorting (if the table didn't change)
-Fixed StatusPanel icon labels having the copy tooltip + handle dynamic icons
-Fixed Stockpile text import/export
-Do not try to update public market orders with invalid accounts
-Exclude invalid accounts from structure updates

jEveAssets 7.3.2

28 Sep 12:47
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Bug Fixes:
-Fixed NPE crash in FilterManager (BugID: 1028, 1029)