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D. C. Rockwell edited this page Jan 30, 2016 · 9 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Conan Guide

  2. Installation

  3. AWS IAM Roles & Permissions

  4. Finding / Using Plugins

  5. AWS Lambda Plugin

  6. Overview 1. Configuration

  7. Deploying Lambdas

  8. Versioning / Aliasing

  9. Custom Handlers

  10. Lambda Roles

  11. Including Dependencies

  12. Compiling Packages With Akiro

  13. AWS API Gateway Plugin

    1. Overview
    2. Configuration
    3. APIs
    4. Stages
    5. Routes
    6. Methods & Resources
    7. Lambda Integration 1. Aliases
    8. Request Parameter Mapping 1. Paths 2. Headers 3. Query Strings
    9. Response Mapping
    10. Status Codes
    11. Response Headers (CORS/Cross-Domain Support)
  14. Developer's Guide

  15. Overview

  16. Plugin Components

  17. Plugin Steps

  18. Publishing a Conan Plugin

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