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Getting started

Create a virtualenv and activate it

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install inside that virtualenv

$ ./ develop

Once you have made your changes, you can run some basic tests

$ pytest

This takes around 10 seconds on my machine. To run a development server, you will first need to set up a database.

Setting up a database

First, install postgresql and initialize the cluster, if that wasn’t done automatically. You may also need to start the database by running

$ sudo systemctl start postgresql

Next, create a postgres user for yourself

$ sudo -u postgres createuser --interactive $USER

And then create a database owned by your user

$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O $USER trends

Verify that you can connect to the database by running

$ psql -d trends

You can exit the psql shell using the \q command. Finally, before importing any data, run

$ sudo -u postgres psql -d trends -f trends/bloom.sql

to enable the bloom index extension (which must be done as a superuser).

Importing data

There are several different ways to import new logs. The simplest is to use the test data set. To populate your database, run

$ test/ postgresql:///trends

Any valid connection string may be used instead of postgresql:///trends. This data set is small, and mostly contains unusual logs which caused bugs in the past.

The performance of changes significantly as more data is imported into the database. To quickly import many logs for testing, you can use the output of the clone_logs tool. Cloned logs in batches of 100,000 are available from Lucas Desgouilles’s archive. For example, to import logs from the file 2200k-to-2300k.7z, run

$ 7z x 2200k-to-2300k.7z
$ trends_importer -vv logs clone_logs -d 22.sqlite3 postgresql:///trends

Running the server

To launch a development server, run

$ FLASK_DEBUG=1 development python -m

If you are using a different database, you will need to set the DATABASE environmental variable to its connection string. If you are using an older version of flask, you will need to set FLASK_ENV=development instead of FLASK_DEBUG=1.

These are the instructions to deploy a new server hosting The only requirements are that it be running Arch Linux or Debian (Ubuntu will also likely work), and that there is ssh access available (for the root user).

First, edit salt/roster to contain a new entry like

  host: <ipaddr>
  user: root

Where <name> is the name you will use to refer to the server in the upcoming commands, and <ipaddr> is the IP address of the server. Then, run

$ salt-ssh -i <name>

The -i option will accept the server’s host SSH key. You should see a response like


The next few steps will create a user with ssh access and sudoer privileges. Create a link to the ssh key you wish to install:

$ ln -s ~/.ssh/ salt/

You will need to do the same thing for ca.crt if you want to access netdata. Then, run

$ salt-ssh <name> state.apply bootstrap

The output of this command should show all changes made to the server. Next, switch to using the sean user to connect to the server. Modify the entry you previously made in salt/roster to be

  host: <ipaddr>
  user: sean
  sudo: True

Then, run

$ salt-ssh <name> state.apply

This will take a while (around 2 minutes). Once it is done, all states should have succeeded except for nginx.service and player_import.service. This is because the certificates are missing and the steamkey has not been set. To fix the first problem, copy over the certificates from an existing site. That is, run

[server1]$ sudo tar -cvf /tmp/certs.tar.gz /etc/letsencrypt/
$ scp <server1>:/tmp/certs.tar.gz <server2>:/tmp/
[server2]$ sudo tar -xvf /tmp/certs.tar.gz -C /

I would like to fix this at some point. Then, create a file /etc/default/trends containing

STEAMKEY=<steam API key>

with your Steam API key. If you are using sentry, you can also set SENTRY_DSN here. Set the permissions of this file to 600. Once this is complete, re-apply the top-level state.

$ salt-ssh <name> state.apply

To support backups, first create a new application key with read/write access to the backup bucket. Create a file /etc/default/restic containing B2_ACCOUNT_ID, B2_ACCOUNT_KEY, RESTIC_REPOSITORY, and RESTIC_PASSWORD. Set its permissions to 600.

To support uploading to grafana, create a new application key with the metrics push role. Then, create a file /etc/prometheus_pass containing the key. Set its permissions to 640, and set the user:group to root:grafana-agent.

Maintenance tasks

Restoring a backup

To restore a database (making sure that the variables outlined above are exported), run

# mkdir /srv/postgres/restored
# chown sean:sean /srv/postgres/restored
$ restic dump latest trends.tar.zst | unzstd - | tar -xC /srv/postgres/restored
$ pg_verifybackup /srv/postgres/restored
# chown -R postgres:postgres /srv/postgres/restored
# systemctl stop postgresql@XX-data
# rm -rf /srv/postgres/data
# mv /srv/postgres/restored /srv/postgres/data
# systemctl start postgresql@XX-data

You can also specify a different snapshot instead of latest by using an ID from restic snapshots.

Compressing old logs' json

Old logs' json can be compressed using citus’s columnar storage. Once a partition is no longer being updated, it can be converted to columnar access. Rows will no longer be able to be updated or deleted, but this reduces the size of the table by around 1/2 (and the process is reversable).

If you haven’t done so already, enable citus (as postgres)


To convert a partition, run

=> --
=> SET columnar.chunk_group_row_limit = 5000;
=> SELECT alter_table_set_access_method('log_json_XXe5', 'columnar');

replacing XX as appropriate. To convert back, use heap instead of columnar.

Upgrading PostgreSQL

In the following notes, XX refers to the old postgres version, and YY refers to the new version. ZZ refers to the version of citus. First, install the new version of postgres:

# apt-get install postgresql-YY postgresql-YY-citus-ZZ

Make sure this version of citus is also supported by the old postgres (postgresql-XX-citus-ZZ). Upgrade if you have to (ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE).

Stop the old cluster.

# systemctl stop postgresql@XX-data

Next, move the old cluster to a new location and create a new cluster.

# mv /srv/postgres /srv/postgresXX
# mv /var/lib/postgres /var/lib/postgresXX
# ln -sf /var/lib/postgresXX/data/pg_wal /srv/postgresXX/data/pg_wal
# mkdir -p /srv/postgres/data /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_wal
# chown -R postgres:postgres /srv/postgres /var/lib/postgres/data
$ pg_createcluster YY data -d /srv/postgres/data

Edit /etc/postgresql/XX/data/postgresql.conf and update data_directory. Then, restart the old cluster

# systemctl start postgresql@XX-data

Now, check to see if the upgrade is compatible:

$ /usr/lib/postgresql/YY/bin/pg_upgrade --check -d /etc/postgresql/XX/data/ \
      -b /usr/lib/postgresql/XX/bin -D /srv/postgres/data -B /usr/lib/postgresql/YY/bin

If it is, stop the old cluster

# systemctl stop postgresql@XX-data

and run the above command without --check. After the upgrade, edit the configs and swap the ports. The new cluster will be using port 5433; change it to 5432.

# vim /etc/postgresql/{XX,YY}/data/postgresql.conf
# cp /etc/postgresql/{XX,YY}/data/conf.d/override.conf

Now start the database, update extensions, and vacuum:

# systemctl stop postgresql@YY-data
$ psql -p 5433 -d trends -f update_extensions.sql
$ vacuumdb -p 5433 --all --analyze --verbose