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Mintbean Platform V3 Backend


$ yarn install


Local development and tests are configured to use PostgreSQL in a Docker container.

Docker must be installed and running for any development work.

Setting up the local database

  1. Start the PostgreSQL container with yarn postgres. Development roles and databases are automatically created on the initial run.

  2. Run cp .env.development .env to use default development database variables during development.

  3. Run yarn pristine, which resets the database and runs the migrations and seeds. You will need to re-run this command when the database schema is changed. Warning: all existing data in the database will be lost!

  • You can access the PostgreSQL CLI with yarn psql. All column names that are in camelCase need double quotation marks when used in raw SQL queries (i.e. SELECT body, "userId" from posts;).

  • If you want to, you can run postgres on your host machine and point to the port (usually 5432) in .env. If you do so, you must configure postgres to use the UTC timezone (by editing .conf and restarting the postgres process)! The docker postgres and most servers use UTC by default so it's not a problem, but your local postgres may be configured in your local timezone. If your postgres is not set to UTC, you will get a nasty bug when editing/creating Meets!

Making production data dumps

A shell script db/ can be executed to make a dump of current production data into a backups direction (gitignored).

This operation requires access to the production server.

Note: the script calls ssh MintbeanV3Production, meaning you must name your host connection MintbeanV3Production in ~/.ssh/config on your machine

Host MintbeanV3Production
    User ubuntu
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/MintbeanProduction

Development workflow

  1. Setting up the local database
  2. Run yarn dev to start a GraphQL endpoint at localhost:4000/graphql.
  3. Go to localhost:4000/graphql to use the GraphQL Playground.

Auto-generating TypeScript types

Running yarn gen-types auto-generates a TypeScript definition file using graphql-codegen. The tool reads the schema file in ./src/graphql/schema.ts and outputs TypeScript definitions in ./src/graphql/generated/tsTypes.ts. You may then import types directly from that file, such as:

 from "./generated/tsTypes";

Resolvers are also automatically typed, i.e:

import { Resolvers } from "../generated/tsTypes";

const postResolver: Resolvers = {
  Query: {
    // Rest of code

Remember to run yarn gen-types after every schema change, to ensure tsTypes is up to date and you don't get TS errors. This is unnecessary if you're in hot-reload/watch mode with yarn dev, as the generator tool automatically watches for schema changes.

Adding new schemas

  1. Create the new typeDef file for the entity in ./src/graphql/typedefs/entity.ts.
  2. Run yarn gen-types to update the Resolvers type in Typescript type so you can take advantage of typing when making the resolver.
  3. Create a new resolver file for the entity in ./src/graphql/resolvers/entityResolver.ts.
  4. Add the typedef and resolver into the corresponding array of the schema generator file in ./src/graphql/schema.ts.

Running tests / TDD workflow

  1. Start the PostgreSQL container with yarn postgres. Test roles and databases are automatically created on the initial run.

  2. Run yarn pristine to set up the test database migrations.

  3. Run yarn test for a single test with coverage report, or yarn tdd to run tests in watch mode as part of a TDD workflow.

NPM Scripts Reference

Script Description
start Starts the server with ts-node
dev Starts the server with ts-node & hot-reload
build Builds *.ts in ./src to *.js in ./build
db:reset Drops and recreates all databases, nuking all the tables
gen-types See above
knex Runs knex cli tools for migration/seeds, using the default database specified in .env
knex:test Runs knex cli tools for migration/seeds, using the test database (specified in ./test/.env.test)
postgres Starts the Postgres docker container
pristine Runs db:reset then runs all the migrations and seeds on both the dev and test databases.
psql Enters the psql CLI in the docker container
tdd Runs the tests in watch mode for a TDD workflow
test Runs the tests once and generates a coverage report
dump:prod Dumps production backups into db/backups/*
rollback:db Clears knex's cache of past migrations. This is useful when switching between branches with different migrations in development if you encounter corrupt migration error. After rolling back, use yarn pristine to build tables with current branch's schema

Knex CLI Reference

Prepend commands below with either yarn knex to target the default db (specified in .env) or yarn knex:test to target the test db (specified in ./test/.env.test).

Command Description
migrate:latest Runs all migration files in ./src/db/migrate
migrate:rollback --all Undos all previous migrations
seed:run Runs all the seed files in ./src/db/seeds in alphabetical order (drops all previous data first)
migrate:make <name> Makes an empty timestamped migration file in ./src/db/migrate
seed:make <name> Makes an empty seed file in ./src/db/seed


  1. ssh into prod
  2. in home dir, backup the db: sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall --column-inserts > backups/backup.production.\$current_time.sql
  3. cd into backend dir
  4. stop backend service pm2 stop "backendv3"
  5. git checkout the appropriate branch
  6. git pull
  7. yarn install
  8. yarn knex migrate:latest
  9. pm2 start yarn --name "backendv3" -- start

Api Reference

  1. Setting up the local database
  2. Run yarn start.
  3. Navigate to localhost:4000/graphql on your browser to use the GraphQL playground (NODE_ENV must not be set to production).
  4. Click DOCS tab on the right side to explore the API reference.
  5. Click through the definitions to explore them in more detail:

Scheduled Jobs

Jobs are standalone scripts that can be run via yarn jobs:<job-name>.

These scripts can be found in src/jobs/. Jobs use a separate JobContext to provide access to any constructed entities likes Daos/Services, such that they can run independently of the application itself.

Scheduling cron jobs

We use the server's pm2 built in cron job scheduler to start jobs that need to be automatically run on a regular schedule.

After learning cron syntax you can test your cron expressions here.


pm2 start cron.myCronJob.js --cron "*/1 * * * *"

^ "Run cron.myCronJob.js every minute"

Scheduled emails job

Since cron syntax only allows minimum scheduling granularity of 1 minute and we want to run the email job every 5 seconds, we run a script that itself allows running a script every n seconds using setTimeout(). The interval is currently set to every 5 seconds

pm2 start --cron "*/1 * * * *"

^ runs every minute, which itself runs yarn jobs:email every 5 seconds

yarn jobs:email

Retrieves all scheduledEmails due for sending, builds emails, sends, and logs and handles responses.

It is suggested this job be scheduled to run every 5 - 10 seconds, as to provide near-immediate sending of emails queued to be sent "now", like registration confirmations.

Emails that fail sending for whatever reason are left in the queue, with a maximum of 3 retries.

For scheduledEmails with mulitple recipients (i.e the meetRecipientId field is present), a member email that fails sending is requeued as a single scheduledEmail record with a specified single userRecipientId and given two retries.



The kanban is a workflow board with status columns and card items that can be moved between those columns (x dimension) and change order within a column (y dimension). We currently have three available status columns: TODO, WIP and DONE.

There are two important entities to be aware of: KanbanCanon and Kanban.

KanbanCanon is the "master" kanban maintained by an admin, with a title, decscription and master KanbanCanonCards

Kanban is the individualized view of a kanban for a given user. It contains kanbanCards that persist their position after the user has moved them.

kanbanCards on a user kanban are really just kanbanCanonCards resolved under a different name.

The positional data for kanbanCanonCards and kanbanCards are stored as a serialized JSON object in a column called cardPositions on the kanbanCanonCards and kanbanSessionCards tables in the database.

Some utilities in cardPostionUtils.ts help to resolve and update cardPositions when moving, adding and deleting kanban cards.

In this manner, no positional data is sent on the kanbanCanonCards or kanbanCards themselves, rather as a cardPositions object on kanbanCanon and kanban that reference kanbanCanonCard Ids. The client (ex: frontend) can then map the cards to the positoins in cardPositions.



All application emails are sent via a queue system stored in the scheduledEmails table in the database. The queue should be periodically checked (by cron job) for emails that need to be sent, and those emails built and dispatched.

The scheduledEmails table provides instructions for how to build an email and resolve it's recipients. Here are the important fields(* = not nullable):

id templateName userRecipientId meetRecipientId meetId sendAt retriesLeft
*UUID *text UUID UUID UUID *timestamp integer

templateName is a string pointing to the filepath of the .ejs templates for this email. templateName entry is restricted by Typescript enum EmailTemplateName userRecipientId is specified if the email is for a single user (registration confirmations). meetRecipientId is specified if the email is for all registerants of a meet (meet reminders) meetId is the meet that is the topic of the email sendAt is the threshold of when to trigger sending this scheduled email job. retriesLeft number of attempts at sending remaining.

When the yarn jobs:email job is fired, all scheduledEmails ready for sending (i.e. sendAt < now ) are selected via EmailService#getEmailsToBeSent() which also builds EmailContext by inflating the values in the table, resolving recipients, and building ics calendar attachments if necessary.

Once the EmailContext is built, the recipients are looped over to build user-specific templated emails. These templated emails are then sent one by one via EmailApiDao#send(email).

scheduledEmails that suceed in sending to one or more recipients are deleted.

Any email that fails sending is either left (in the queue in the case of single recipient scheduledEmails), or re-queued as single recipient scheduledEmails (in the case of bulk recipient scheduledEmails) with 2 retries remaining. They will be attempted again the next time the yarn jobs:email is run.

Logging occurs for all email responses (including success). Keep an eye on the server logs to see whether any maintenence is required.

Note: emails that fail 3 times are left in the database and will pool if not maintained. Run checks and clean periodically.

We currently have 2 email flows:

  • When user registers for meet, send immediate registration confirmation with attached calendar invite
  • When a new meet is created, queue two reminder emails leading up to meet startTime (1: start-24hrs, 2: start-30mins). If meet is a hackathon, queue two additional emails for submission deadline reminders (submission remider 1: (only sent if meet > 3 days long) endTime - 2 days; submission reminder 2: (if meet > 1 day long): endTime - 3 hours, otherwise endTime - 30 mins) *Warning! meet reminder timing is currently not updated if meet startTime or endTime changes. TODO.

Calendar invites for hackathons are scheduled as a 1 hour Kickoff from startTime instead of blocking 7 whole days of a user's calendar.


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