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LUXIANZE edited this page Oct 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the On-Demand-Car-Servicing-Backend wiki!

In this wiki, we will discuss and try to record the whole SDLC as complete as possible to serve as guidance to new developers. This is also a process to train our own documentation skills as well as encourages knowledge sharing.

Our Members are:

Members Student ID
LU XIANZE 17073550/1
YAW JIAN HAO 17195967/1
CHOI YONG CHUEN 17124984/1
PANG YONG XIAN 17132871/1


This project will be using Agile Methodology where we divide our work into small sprints to cope with the unstable user requirements. This is mainly because of the project is for academic purpose where the critical resources are time and human resource. Therefore, the requirements might change to adapt to the syllabus need.