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finschia-js is useful tool to power JavaScript based client solutions ranging from Web apps/explorers over browser extensions to server-side clients.


finschia-js is a library that consists of many smaller npm packages within the @finschia namespace, a so called monorepo. Here are some of them to get an idea:

Package Description Latest
@finschia/finschia A client library for the Finschia v1.0.0+ npm version

Supported JS environments

Currently, the codebase supports the following runtime environments:

  1. Node.js 12+
  2. Modern browsers (Chromium/Firefox/Safari, no Internet Explorer or Edge Spartan)
  3. Browser extensions (Chromium/Firefox)

Our current JavaScript target standard is ES2018. We use WebAssembly to implement certain cryptographic functions.

We're happy to adjust this list according to users' needs as long as you don't ask for Internet Explorer support. If your environment does not support Wasm, we can work on a solution with swappable implementations.

Webpack Configs

With WebPack 5, you have to be explicit about the usage of Node.js types and modules that were simply replaced with re-implementations for browsers in Webpack 4.

Configs for v1.0.0 and later:

module.exports = [
    // ...
    plugins: [
      new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
        Buffer: ["buffer", "Buffer"],
    // ...
    resolve: {
      fallback: {
        buffer: false,
        crypto: false,
        events: false,
        path: false,
        stream: false,
        string_decoder: false,

Get in touch

The finschia-js development team is happy to get in touch with you for all questions and suggestions.

