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solXEN Token


Clone the repo

git clone
cd sol-xen

For Typescript client

Install NodeJS

(To test if you have one node --version)

Install deps

npm i
npm i -g tsx

N.B. you can skip the last one and run only JS files (see below)

Create .env file

USER_WALLET=<path_to_solana_wallet_file (id.json)>


⚠ Breaking Changes [Epsilon Build] ⚠

To enable multi-threaded mining, Miner and Minter Solana programs have been separated.

Miner Program

Searches for hash patterns and accumulates hashes, superhashes and points counters for a user.

There are [up to] 4 kinds of Miner program active simultaneously.

Each miner client (TS/JS or a Rust one) communicates with only one Miner program, selected via --kind or -k param (0...3)

Minter Program

Minter program converts points accumulated by looking for hash/superhash patterns into solXEN tokens.

User can run Minter program at any time, frequency of usage will get no different result for tokens minting.

You can convert points only related to a single Miner program at a time. So if you have points with all 4 Miner programs, you'll have to run Minter at least 4 times to convert all points.

Like with Miner, you'll need to indicate it's kind via --kind or -k param (0...3)

Xolana ONLY for now

Please make sure you've switched to Xolana RPC. Check the .env file, make sure to have the right RPC URL:


You will also need to switch your local Solana command line tool (CLI) to Xolana, to get some test coin, like that:

solana config set -u
solana airdrop 10


Run miner script

with typescript

tsx ./client/miner.ts mine --address <ethereum address> -f 1 -k 0 // N.B.: -k (--kind) param could be 0..3

or without it

node ./client/miner.js mine --address <ethereum address> -f 1 -k 0 // N.B.: -k (--kind) param could be 0..3

or even without .env file

export USER_WALLET='/path/to/your/solana/wallet/id.json' && export ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL='' && export DEBUG=* && node ./client/miner.js mine --address <ethereum address> -f 1 -k 0

Run minter script

⚠️ You'll need to supply additional PROGRAM_ID_MINER param

with typescript

tsx ./client/minter.ts mint -f 1 -k 0 // N.B.: -k (--kind) param could be 0..3

or without it

node ./client/minter.js mint -f 1 -k 0 // N.B.: -k (--kind) param could be 0..3

or even without .env file

export USER_WALLET='/path/to/your/solana/wallet/id.json' && export ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL='' && export DEBUG=* && export PROGRAM_ID_MINER=... && node ./client/minter.js mint -f 1 -k 0

One-input installation of the solXEN miner

Install Rust, Solana, create and fund a wallet on Solana, install NodeJS and run the miner

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y && \
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL" && \
export PATH="~/.local/share/solana/install/active_release/bin:$PATH" && \
solana-keygen new --force --no-passphrase && \
solana config set --url && \
solana airdrop 1 && \
git clone && \
cd sol-xen && \
curl -o- | bash && \
source ~/.bashrc && \
nvm install --lts && \
export USER_WALLET="$HOME/.config/solana/id.json" && \
export ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL='' && \
export DEBUG=* && \
npm install dotenv && \
npm install -g dotenv && \
read -p "Enter your Ethereum address: " ethereum_address && \
read -p "Enter the number of runs: " num_runs && \
read -p "Enter the fee: " fee && \
node ./client/miner.js mine --address "$ethereum_address" -fee "$fee" -r "$num_runs"

N.B. if there's "Error: airdrop request failed" it means that the faucet is empty. It's necessary to copy the public key and use another faucet (eg. and then continue with the installation.

git clone && \
cd sol-xen && \
curl -o- | bash && \
source ~/.bashrc && \
nvm install --lts && \
export USER_WALLET="$HOME/.config/solana/id.json" && \
export ANCHOR_PROVIDER_URL='' && \
export DEBUG=* && \
npm install dotenv && \
npm install -g dotenv && \
read -p "Enter your Ethereum address: " ethereum_address && \
read -p "Enter the number of runs: " num_runs && \
read -p "Enter the fee: " fee && \
node ./client/miner.js mine --address "$ethereum_address" -fee "$fee" -r "$num_runs"

Full options list

miner.ts [command]

  miner.ts mine     Checks gas-related params returned by current network
  miner.ts balance  Checks balance of a master account

      --version          Show version number                           [boolean]
  -f, --priorityFee      Solana priority fee, micro-lamports
                                                           [number] [default: 1]
  -u, --units            Solana MAX Compute Units    [number] [default: 1400000]
      --address, --addr  Ethereum address to relate XN points to        [string]
  -r, --runs             Number of runs                    [number] [default: 1]
      --help             Show help                                     [boolean]

Run event listener script

tsx ./client/listener.ts

Run test client script

tsx ./client/user.ts

