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Releases: Ephem/react-lightyear


29 Sep 17:21
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This release merges the React version v16.10.0 and v16.10.1 into Lightyear.

Note that React v16.10.0 broke with Lightyear and has since been deprecated, use v16.10.1.


  • Add a postinstall-warning about not being a semver-package (@ThisIsMissEm in #30)


29 Sep 17:21
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First "stable" release!

While using react@16.9.0 did work before this release, this release has merged the latest changes from React, is tested with and now officially supports the latest version.

This release adds basic support for React.lazy(). It is not usable out of the box however and you are still recommended to use existing solutions for universal code splitting. More information can be found in the Readme.

With this release, the versioning scheme changes. From now on, major and minor will be synced with the supported React-version, while patch will be kept separate. This means Lightyear will not be following semver, make sure you pin your version.


29 Sep 17:21
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This patch fixes a bug where the streaming renderer would not flush the markup it already had generated on a suspend. This meant markup could look partial and possibly broken for the client until the suspend finished.


29 Sep 17:20
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This patch improves performance, especially with large component trees. Before this patch there was an expontential slowdown with larger trees because of how the queued output was being handled.


29 Sep 17:20
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This patch fixes a bug that would cause a crash when context was used in certain ways (#22).


29 Sep 17:19
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This patch only contains minor behind the scenes infrastructure changes.


29 Sep 17:19
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  • Fix bug which caused wrong markup for text siblings inside of suspended subtrees
  • Instead of importing directly from react-lightyear, the entry point react-lightyear/server should now be used instead

This release will brake your imports, make sure you update them. This change is made so that Lightyear mimics the ReactDOM/server-entrypoint, which also makes it easier to run the tests and maintain the fork.


29 Sep 17:19
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  • Moved ReactDOM from incorrect optionalDependencies to peerDependencies.


29 Sep 17:18
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First release. Forked from React 16.8.6.

This release adds new asyncronous versions of the ReactDOMServer apis:

  • renderToStringAsync
  • renderToStaticMarkupAsync
  • renderToNodeStreamAsync
  • renderToStaticNodeStreamAsync

When using these functions, any Promise thrown inside of a <Suspense>-boundary will pause rendering for that subtree and continue with siblings. As thrown Promises resolve, the paused subtrees will be resumed and their markup added in the correct place to the already rendered markup. The renderToString-apis will wait for the entire markup to be finished before resolving, while the renderToNodeStream-apis will emit to the stream when enough bytes are available.

Behind the scenes, this is accomplished by a new separate renderer ReactDOMServerRendererAsync, which extends the original renderer, but has it's own asyncronous main loop.