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Use latest action comment on PR for require_comment
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EnricoMi committed Apr 23, 2022
1 parent 4fdd38b commit bf6f62a
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Showing 2 changed files with 199 additions and 103 deletions.
81 changes: 65 additions & 16 deletions python/publish/
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from github.CheckRun import CheckRun
from github.CheckRunAnnotation import CheckRunAnnotation
from github.PullRequest import PullRequest
from github.IssueComment import IssueComment

from publish import hide_comments_mode_orphaned, hide_comments_mode_all_but_latest, hide_comments_mode_off, \
comment_mode_off, comment_mode_create, comment_mode_update, \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,31 +382,80 @@ def publish_comment(self,
all_tests, skipped_tests = get_all_tests_list(cases), get_skipped_tests_list(cases)
test_changes = SomeTestChanges(before_all_tests, all_tests, before_skipped_tests, skipped_tests)

# we need fetch the latest comment if comment_condition != comment_condition_always
# or self._settings.comment_mode == comment_mode_update
latest_comment = None
if self._settings.comment_condition != comment_condition_always or self._settings.comment_mode == comment_mode_update:
latest_comment = self.get_latest_comment(pull_request)
latest_comment_body = latest_comment.body if latest_comment else None

# are we required to create a comment on this PR?
if not self.require_comment(stats, stats_with_delta, test_changes):
if not self.require_comment(stats, stats_with_delta, test_changes, latest_comment_body):'No comment required as comment_on is {self._settings.comment_condition}')

details_url = check_run.html_url if check_run else None
summary = get_long_summary_md(stats_with_delta, details_url, test_changes, self._settings.test_changes_limit)
body = f'## {title}\n{summary}'

# reuse existing commend when comment_mode == comment_mode_update
# if none exists or comment_mode != comment_mode_update, create new comment
if self._settings.comment_mode != comment_mode_update or not self.reuse_comment(pull_request, body):
# reuse existing comment when comment_mode == comment_mode_update, otherwise create new comment
if self._settings.comment_mode == comment_mode_update and latest_comment is not None:
self.reuse_comment(latest_comment, body)'edited comment for pull request #{pull_request.number}: {latest_comment.html_url}')
comment = pull_request.create_issue_comment(body)'created comment for pull request #{pull_request.number}: {comment.html_url}')

def comment_has_changes(comment_body: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if comment_body is None:
return False
end = comment_body.lower().find('results for commit')
if end < 0:
return False
comment_body = comment_body[:end]

# remove links
comment_body = re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '<link>', comment_body)
# replace ' ' with some non-whitespace string, it separates columns in the comment
comment_body = comment_body.replace(' ', '⋯')

m ='[-+](\s*[0-9]+)+\s+(([^0-9\s])|\n)', comment_body)
return m is not None

def comment_has_failures(cls, comment_body: Optional[str]) -> bool:
return cls._comment_has(comment_body, r'\[:x:]')

def comment_has_errors(cls, comment_body: Optional[str]) -> bool:
return cls._comment_has(comment_body, r'(\[:fire:]|errors)')

def _comment_has(comment_body: Optional[str], symbol: str) -> bool:
if comment_body is None:
return False

end = comment_body.lower().find('results for commit')
if end < 0:
return False
comment_body = comment_body[:end]

# we assume '00 ...' indicates multiple failures / errors (more than 99)
m ='([0-9][0-9]|[1-9])\s' + symbol, comment_body)
return m is not None

def require_comment(self,
stats: UnitTestRunResults,
stats_with_delta: UnitTestRunDeltaResults,
test_changes: SomeTestChanges) -> bool:
test_changes: SomeTestChanges,
comment_body: Optional[str]) -> bool:
return (self._settings.comment_condition == comment_condition_always or
self._settings.comment_condition == comment_condition_changes and (stats_with_delta is None or stats_with_delta.has_changes or test_changes.has_changes) or
self._settings.comment_condition == comment_condition_failures and (stats.has_failures or stats.has_errors) or
self._settings.comment_condition == comment_condition_errors and stats.has_errors)
self._settings.comment_condition == comment_condition_changes and (self.comment_has_changes(comment_body) or stats_with_delta is None or stats_with_delta.has_changes or test_changes.has_changes) or
self._settings.comment_condition == comment_condition_failures and (self.comment_has_failures(comment_body) or self.comment_has_errors(comment_body) or stats.has_failures or stats.has_errors) or
self._settings.comment_condition == comment_condition_errors and (self.comment_has_errors(comment_body) or stats.has_errors))

def reuse_comment(self, pull: PullRequest, body: str) -> bool:
def get_latest_comment(self, pull: PullRequest) -> Optional[IssueComment]:
# get comments of this pull request
comments = self.get_pull_request_comments(pull, order_by_updated=True)

Expand All @@ -414,23 +464,22 @@ def reuse_comment(self, pull: PullRequest, body: str) -> bool:

# if there is no such comment, stop here
if len(comments) == 0:
return False
return None

# edit last comment
# fetch latest action comment
comment_id = comments[-1].get("databaseId")
return pull.get_issue_comment(comment_id)

def reuse_comment(self, comment: IssueComment, body: str):
if ':recycle:' not in body:
body = f'{body}\n:recycle: This comment has been updated with latest results.'

comment = pull.get_issue_comment(comment_id)
comment.edit(body)'edited comment for pull request #{pull.number}: {comment.html_url}')
except Exception as e:
self._gha.warning(f'Failed to edit existing comment #{comment_id}')
self._gha.warning(f'Failed to edit existing comment #{}')
logger.debug('editing existing comment failed', exc_info=e)

return True

def get_base_commit_sha(self, pull_request: PullRequest) -> Optional[str]:
if self._settings.pull_request_build == pull_request_build_mode_merge:
if self._settings.event:
Expand Down
221 changes: 134 additions & 87 deletions python/test/
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import dataclasses
import json
import os
import re
import tempfile
import unittest
from import Collection
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Optional, List, Mapping, Union, Any
from typing import Optional, List, Mapping, Union, Any, Callable

import github.CheckRun
import mock
Expand All @@ -16,15 +18,27 @@
get_error_annotation, digest_header, get_digest_from_stats, \
all_tests_list, skipped_tests_list, none_list, \
all_tests_label_md, skipped_tests_label_md, failed_tests_label_md, passed_tests_label_md, test_errors_label_md, \
duration_label_md, pull_request_build_mode_merge
duration_label_md, pull_request_build_mode_merge, \
from publish.github_action import GithubAction
from publish.publisher import Publisher, Settings, PublishData
from publish.unittestresults import UnitTestCase, ParseError, UnitTestRunResults, UnitTestRunDeltaResults, \
UnitTestRunResultsOrDeltaResults, UnitTestCaseResults, get_diff_value

errors = [ParseError('file', 'error', 1, 2)]

class CommentConditionTest:
comment_has_changes: bool
comment_has_failures: bool
comment_has_errors: bool
stats_has_changes: bool
stats_has_failures: bool
stats_has_errors: bool
tests_has_changes: bool

class TestPublisher(unittest.TestCase):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,102 +269,135 @@ def call_mocked_publish(settings: Settings,
if not call[0].startswith('_logger.')]
return mock_calls

def do_test_require_comment(self, comment_condition, tests):
def test_re(self):
m ='[-+](\s*[0-9]+)+\s+(([^0-9\s])|\n)', '- 1 \n')

def test_comment_has_changes(self):
with self.subTest(comment=None):
self.assertEqual(Publisher.comment_has_changes(None), False)

for mag in [1, 10, 100, 1000]:
kwargs = {
'files': get_diff_value(1+mag, 1+mag),
'errors': [],
'suites': get_diff_value(2+mag, 2+mag),
'duration': get_diff_value(3+mag, 3+mag, 'duration'),

'tests': get_diff_value(22+mag, 22+mag),
'tests_succ': get_diff_value(4+mag, 4+mag),
'tests_skip': get_diff_value(5+mag, 5+mag),
'tests_fail': get_diff_value(6+mag, 6+mag),
'tests_error': get_diff_value(7+mag, 7+mag),

'runs': get_diff_value(38+mag, 38+mag),
'runs_succ': get_diff_value(8+mag, 8+mag),
'runs_skip': get_diff_value(9+mag, 9+mag),
'runs_fail': get_diff_value(10+mag, 10+mag),
'runs_error': get_diff_value(11+mag, 11+mag),

'commit': 'commit',
'reference_type': 'ref',
'reference_commit': 'base'

# comments with changes
for field in [None, 'files', 'suites', 'duration',
'tests', 'tests_succ', 'tests_skip', 'tests_fail', 'tests_error',
'runs', 'runs_succ', 'runs_skip', 'runs_fail', 'runs_error']:
for change in {-1, +1, mag, -mag}:
with self.subTest(field=field, magnitude=mag, change=change):
kwargs2 = {k: v if k != field else {k2: v2 + change if k2 == 'delta' else v2
for k2, v2 in v.items()}
for k, v in kwargs.items()}
stats = UnitTestRunDeltaResults(**kwargs2)
summary = get_long_summary_md(stats, 'http://details')
comment = f'## title\n{summary}'
self.assertEqual(Publisher.comment_has_changes(comment), stats.has_changes, msg=comment)

def test_comment_has_failures(self):
self.do_test_comment_has(lambda comment: Publisher.comment_has_failures(comment), lambda stats: stats.has_failures)

def test_comment_has_errors(self):
self.do_test_comment_has(lambda comment: Publisher.comment_has_errors(comment), lambda stats: stats.has_errors)

def do_test_comment_has(self,
actual: Callable[[str], bool],
expected: Callable[[UnitTestRunResultsOrDeltaResults], bool]):
with self.subTest(comment=None):
self.assertEqual(Publisher.comment_has_failures(None), False)

kwargs = {
'errors': [],
'commit': 'commit'
fields = ['files', 'suites', 'duration',
'tests', 'tests_succ', 'tests_skip', 'tests_fail', 'tests_error',
'runs', 'runs_succ', 'runs_skip', 'runs_fail', 'runs_error']
kwargs.update(**{field: 0 for field in fields})

for mag in [1, 10, 100, 1000]:
for field in fields + ['errors']:
with self.subTest(field=field, magnitude=mag):
kwargs2 = {k: mag if k == field and field != 'errors' else v for k, v in kwargs.items()}
stats = UnitTestRunResults(**kwargs2)
if field == 'errors':
stats = stats.with_errors(errors * mag)
summary = get_long_summary_md(stats, 'http://details')
comment = f'## title\n{summary}'
print(f'field={field} stats={stats} summary={summary}')
self.assertEqual(actual(comment), expected(stats), msg=comment)

def do_test_require_comment(self, comment_condition, test_expectation: Callable[["CommentConditionTest"], bool]):
tests = [(test, test_expectation(test)) for test in self.comment_condition_tests]

publisher = mock.MagicMock(Publisher)
publisher._settings = self.create_settings(comment_condition=comment_condition)

for has_failures, has_errors, stats_has_changes, tests_has_changes, expected in tests:
with self.subTest(has_failures=has_failures, has_errors=has_errors,
stats_has_changes=stats_has_changes, tests_has_changes=tests_has_changes):
stats = mock.MagicMock(has_failures=has_failures, has_errors=has_errors)
stats_with_delta = mock.MagicMock(has_changes=stats_has_changes)
test_changes = mock.MagicMock(has_changes=tests_has_changes)
required = Publisher.require_comment(publisher, stats, stats_with_delta, test_changes)
for test, expected in tests:
with self.subTest(test):
publisher.comment_has_changes = mock.Mock(return_value=test.comment_has_changes)
publisher.comment_has_failures = mock.Mock(return_value=test.comment_has_failures)
publisher.comment_has_errors = mock.Mock(return_value=test.comment_has_errors)
stats = mock.MagicMock(has_failures=test.stats_has_failures, has_errors=test.stats_has_errors)
stats_with_delta = mock.MagicMock(has_changes=test.stats_has_changes)
test_changes = mock.MagicMock(has_changes=test.tests_has_changes)
required = Publisher.require_comment(publisher, stats, stats_with_delta, test_changes, 'body')
self.assertEqual(required, expected)

comment_condition_tests = [CommentConditionTest(comment_has_changes, comment_has_failures, comment_has_errors,
stat_has_changes, stat_has_failures, stat_has_errors, test_has_changes)
for comment_has_changes in [False, True]
for comment_has_failures in [False, True]
for comment_has_errors in [False, True]
for stat_has_changes in [False, True]
for stat_has_failures in [False, True]
for stat_has_errors in [False, True]
for test_has_changes in [False, True]]

def test_require_comment_always(self):
self.do_test_require_comment(comment_condition_always, [
# failures, errors, changes, test changes
(False, False, False, False, True),
(False, False, False, True, True),
(False, False, True, False, True),
(False, False, True, True, True),
(False, True, False, False, True),
(False, True, False, True, True),
(False, True, True, False, True),
(False, True, True, True, True),
(True, False, False, False, True),
(True, False, False, True, True),
(True, False, True, False, True),
(True, False, True, True, True),
(True, True, False, False, True),
(True, True, False, True, True),
(True, True, True, False, True),
(True, True, True, True, True)
lambda _: True

def test_require_comment_changes(self):
self.do_test_require_comment(comment_condition_changes, [
# failures, errors, changes, test changes
(False, False, False, False, False),
(False, False, False, True, True),
(False, False, True, False, True),
(False, False, True, True, True),
(False, True, False, False, False),
(False, True, False, True, True),
(False, True, True, False, True),
(False, True, True, True, True),
(True, False, False, False, False),
(True, False, False, True, True),
(True, False, True, False, True),
(True, False, True, True, True),
(True, True, False, False, False),
(True, True, False, True, True),
(True, True, True, False, True),
(True, True, True, True, True)
lambda test: test.comment_has_changes or test.stats_has_changes or test.test_has_changes

def test_require_comment_failures(self):
self.do_test_require_comment(comment_condition_failures, [
# failures, errors, changes, test changes
(False, False, False, False, False),
(False, False, False, True, False),
(False, False, True, False, False),
(False, False, True, True, False),
(False, True, False, False, True),
(False, True, False, True, True),
(False, True, True, False, True),
(False, True, True, True, True),
(True, False, False, False, True),
(True, False, False, True, True),
(True, False, True, False, True),
(True, False, True, True, True),
(True, True, False, False, True),
(True, True, False, True, True),
(True, True, True, False, True),
(True, True, True, True, True)
lambda test: test.comment_has_failures or test.comment_has_errors or test.stats_has_failures or test.stats_has_errors

def test_require_comment_errors(self):
self.do_test_require_comment(comment_condition_errors, [
# failures, errors, changes, test changes
(False, False, False, False, False),
(False, False, False, True, False),
(False, False, True, False, False),
(False, False, True, True, False),
(False, True, False, False, True),
(False, True, False, True, True),
(False, True, True, False, True),
(False, True, True, True, True),
(True, False, False, False, False),
(True, False, False, True, False),
(True, False, True, False, False),
(True, False, True, True, False),
(True, True, False, False, True),
(True, True, False, True, True),
(True, True, True, False, True),
(True, True, True, True, True)
lambda test: test.comment_has_errors or test.stats_has_errors

def test_publish_without_comment(self):
settings = self.create_settings(comment_mode=comment_mode_off, hide_comment_mode=hide_comments_mode_off)
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