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Releases: EdricChan03/action-build-deploy-ghpages

v3.1.0: Bump Ruby to 3.2.0

04 Jan 00:49
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💥 Breaking changes

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0

v3.0.0: Ruby 3 support

06 Oct 05:05
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💥 Breaking changes

  • Ruby has been bumped to version 3, necessitating a major version bump in the event of other breaking changes.

What's Changed

Misc changes

Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v3.0.0


02 Mar 06:55
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💥 Breaking changes

  • Jekyll sites will now be built in production mode by default. To use the old default mode (development), specify the jekyll_env input:

    - uses: EdricChan03/action-build-deploy-ghpages@v2.6.0
        jekyll_env: 'development'

    See the Jekyll docs on environments for more information, as well as issue #21 for additional context.

What's Changed

  • Add support for specifying the Jekyll build environment by @EdricChan03 in #25

Misc changes

  • workflow: bump azohra/shell-linter from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 by @dependabot in #17
  • workflow: bump azohra/shell-linter from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 by @dependabot in #19
  • workflow: bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #24
  • Update all references of the default branch by @EdricChan03 in #26

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.6.0


05 Mar 14:12
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💥 Breaking changes

  • Update Docker Ruby version to v2.7 (bfc9166)

✨ New features

  • Add support for specifying the specific version of Bundler to use (219c9a6)

📝 Documentation updates

  • README: Strikeout info about PAT requirement (b992dfe)
  • README: Specify that github.token can be used for the github_token input (a81ac10)

🤘 Contributors

Thanks to the following contributors for helping out with this release:


15 Feb 09:28
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✨ New features

  • Add support for showing the log from bundle install only if it returns with a non-zero exit code (a0bde56) (cherry-picked from #8)

📄 License updates

⚠️ Notice

This release no longer marks the gh_pages_token input as required. You may now omit the input from your workflow(s):

  - github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Or github.token
- - gh_pages_token: ${{ secrets.GH_PAGES_TOKEN }}

And remove the GH_PAGES_TOKEN secret from your repository's secrets.

See the following links for more information:


15 Feb 06:24
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✨ New features

  • Add support for specifying a flag to skip deployment (8ba9e36) (#12)
  • Allow passing options to the jekyll build command (9e23293) (#9)
  • Annotate all inputs with the required field (f3e74d0)

Starting from v2.3.0, you can also now target the latest v2 major version of the Action:

- uses: EdricChan03/action-build-deploy-ghpages@v2.x.x
+ uses: EdricChan03/action-build-deploy-ghpages@v2

🐛 Bug fixes/Other changes

  • Remove commented code, improve message for pre/post commands (2fef0a8) (#10)

🤘 Contributors

Thanks to the following contributors for contributing to this release:


04 Dec 15:47
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This release fixes the following outstanding issues:

Other changes

The action now internally runs a GitHub Action workflow that lints the GitHub Action script file (see e25b180, 45f315b).


28 Sep 06:07
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This release changes the way that environment variable commands are evaluated in the script to use the eval command instead of the former bash -c command, which would be run in a subshell.

Note: In the future, this may be reverted to the former implementation.

There are no other changes in this release.


21 Sep 06:43
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This releases fixes an issue (#2) where there was a redundant check for an environment variable (GH_PAGES_TOKEN) which would be empty unless explicitly specified as an environment variable.

There are no other changes for this release.


14 Sep 04:30
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This release fixes an issue where dashes are not allowed for environment variables in Bash.

There are no other changes for this release.

Breaking changes

This GitHub Action now uses underscores instead of dashes for the inputs as dashes are not supported for environment variables in Bash.

If you're using this version, ensure that you've changed how you've defined the inputs in your workflow. (Check out the updated action.yml or view this commit for what was changed: 051115a)