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API Server of Idea site

Compile & Pack to JAR

Pour compiler :

mvn clean compile

Pour packager (jar + fat-jar) :

mvn package

Pour compiler sans exécuter les tests, ajouter le paramètre -DskipTests.


Then there is two way for start the server :

  • with Vert.x's Launcher Todo
  • with the fat JAR (for deployed)
    • manual
    java -jar api-server-{version}-fat.jar -conf src/main/api-conf.json
    • auto-mvn :
    mvn package exec:exec@run-app


There is an io.vertx.core.VertxException: Thread blocked when I launch my server

This error was due to the io.vertx.core.impl.BlockedThreadChecker who check in shortest time the deployement of verticle, who signal Thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-0,5,main] has been blocked for 6806 ms, time limit is 2000.
A solution was to force a longer time with this option : -Dvertx.options.blockedThreadCheckInterval=200000000.