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Sample App “Multi-Monitor Updater”

The Multi Monitor Updater is a sample app for the Dynatrace Platform, specifically the AppEngine.

It shows you how to

  • Use Dynatrace API and core UI components.
  • Make bulk updates of synthetic configurations

Try out

You can try out this app by installing it from the Dynatrace Hub.


You can find documentation for all tools, SDKs and features used in this app from Developer Portal.

Getting Started

Our sample apps give a good overview of how Dynatrace Apps can help solve specific use cases. However, we recommend starting your learning journey through our Get started with the Dynatrace platform tutorial. In the tutorial, you'll learn all aspects of the development process by incorporating our SDKs, the Strato design system, and tools such as our Dynatrace App Toolkit.


Please note that the app is intended mostly for educational purposes. It aims to illustrate the main concepts of app development and should be easy to understand. Therefore it provides only limited functionality and does not always cover all edge cases. You can use the app as a starting point for your own development. It is covered under the “light support” provisions of the Dynatrace terms and conditions.

Getting Started with your Dynatrace App

This project was bootstrapped with DTP CLI.

It uses React in combination with TypeScript, to provide great developer experience.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run start or yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode. A new browser window with your running app will be automatically opened.

Edit a component file in src and save it. The page will reload when you make changes. You may also see any errors in the console.

npm run build or yarn build

Builds the app for production to the dist folder. It correctly bundles your app in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

npm run deploy or yarn deploy

Builds the app and deploys it to the specified environment in dtp.config.ts.

npm run uninstall or yarn uninstall

Uninstalls the app from the specified environment in dtp.config.ts.

npm run generate:function or yarn generate:function

Generates a new serverless function for your app in the api folder.

npm run update or yarn update

Updates @dynatrace-scoped packages to the latest version and applies automatic migrations.

npm run info or yarn info

Outputs the CLI and environment information.

npm run help or yarn run help

Outputs help for the DTP CLI.

Learn more

You can find more information on how to use all the features of the new Dynatrace Platform in the Developer Portal.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.