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Discord Hooks

Enabling you to receive webhooks in Discord from various services.


  1. travis-ci-discord-webhook travis-ci-discord-webhook Public

    ⛓ Here's your serverless solution for sending build status from Travis CI to Discord as webhooks.

    Shell 268 93

  2. appveyor-discord-webhook appveyor-discord-webhook Public

    ⛓ Here's your serverless solution for sending build status from AppVeyor to Discord as webhooks.

    PowerShell 52 17

  3. gitlab-ci-discord-webhook gitlab-ci-discord-webhook Public

    ⛓ Here's your serverless solution for sending build status from GitLab CI to Discord as webhooks.

    Shell 66 43

  4. github-actions-discord-webhook github-actions-discord-webhook Public

    ⛓ Here's your serverless solution for sending build status from GitHub Actions to Discord as webhooks.

    Shell 31 15

  5. circle-ci-discord-webhook circle-ci-discord-webhook Public

    ⛓ Here's your serverless solution for sending build status from Circle CI to Discord as webhooks.

    Shell 2 5


Showing 6 of 6 repositories