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chore(deps): update ⬆️ aqua-packages (#70)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Update | Change |
| [DelineaXPM/dsv-cli]( | patch
| `v1.40.5` -> `v1.40.6` |
| [anchore/syft]( | minor | `v0.99.0`
-> `v0.101.1` |
| [golang/go]( | patch | `1.21.5` ->
`1.21.6` |
| [golang/tools]( | minor | `v0.16.1`
-> `v0.17.0` |
| [goreleaser/goreleaser]( |
minor | `v1.22.1` -> `v1.23.0` |
| [hashicorp/terraform]( |
minor | `v1.6.6` -> `v1.7.0` |
| [miniscruff/changie]( | minor
| `v1.17.0` -> `v1.18.0` |
| [thycotic/dsv-cli]( | patch |
`v1.40.5` -> `v1.40.6` |


### Release Notes

<summary>DelineaXPM/dsv-cli (DelineaXPM/dsv-cli)</summary>



##### ⬆️ Dependencies

- Update dependent libraries and go version. No user facing changes,
just continued maintenance for improved security & stability.


<summary>anchore/syft (anchore/syft)</summary>



##### Bug Fixes

- Deduplicate digests from user configuration
- Duplicate relationships in final SBOM




##### Security Fixes

- bump from 1.3.3 to 1.3.7

##### Added Features

- Added binary classifier for GCC
- Add binary classifier for pypy
- Add binary classifiers for Percona Software for MySQL
- Added classifier for wordpress cli binary
- Add cataloger list command
- Add ability to enable or disable individual catalogers
- Improve cataloger selection capabilities

##### Bug Fixes

- Include binary cataloger configuration defaults
- Condense binary cataloger config in JSON output
- Add support for the traefik binary from the official Docker image
- When specify java-cataloger, java-pom-cataloger will also be selected




##### Added Features

- Add more functionality to the ErLang parser
- Added OpenSSL binary matcher
- Add ability to extend the binaries cataloguers

##### Bug Fixes

- Added missing Purl for busybox
- Fix diff error obfuscating binary test failures message
- v0.99.0: CycloneDX json output breaks osv-scanner

##### Additional Changes

- update openssl binary to -x



<summary>golang/go (golang/go)</summary>




<summary>golang/tools (golang/tools)</summary>




<summary>goreleaser/goreleaser (goreleaser/goreleaser)</summary>



#### Changelog

##### New Features

feat(docs): Update command in SLSA verification blog post
feat(homebrew): add os to dependency
feat(nix): validate licenses
feat(sbom): update default command
feat(winget): support installing .exe directly
feat: allow to template builds.gobinary
feat: aur dir
feat: improve --single-target
feat: improve project and build hooks error handling
feat: validate ko's main path

##### Bug fixes

fix(aur): support wrap_in_directory
fix(github): do not fail branch creation if it already exists
fix(ko): error finishing with .
fix(nix): include unzip if any artifact is a zip
fix(sbom): warn/error on wrong configuration
fix(winget): improve schema
fix: --single-target when no match
fix: add -c flags when building go test
fix: allow homebrew to use tar.xz format
fix: handle configs with no explicit targets on --single-target
fix: improve chocolatey no archive error handling and docs
fix: linkedin announce api changes

##### Dependency updates

feat(deps): bump from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0
feat(deps): bump from 0.16.11 to 0.16.12
feat(deps): bump from 0.16.12 to 0.17.0
feat(deps): bump from 0.16.1 to
feat(deps): bump from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1
feat(deps): bump from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0
feat(deps): bump from 2.34.0 to 2.35.0
feat(deps): bump from 2.1.1 to 2.2.1
feat(deps): bump from 0.93.2 to 0.94.0
feat(deps): bump from 0.94.0 to 0.95.1
feat(deps): bump from 0.95.1 to 0.95.2
feat(deps): bump from 0.34.0 to 0.35.0
feat(deps): bump golang from 1.21.4-alpine to 1.21.5-alpine
feat(deps): bump golang from `110b07a` to `30a46e7`
feat(deps): bump golang from `30a46e7` to `70afe55`
feat(deps): bump golang from `5c1cabd` to `feceecc`
feat(deps): bump golang from `feceecc` to `4db4aac`
feat(deps): bump from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0
feat(deps): bump from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0
feat(deps): bump from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0
feat(deps): bump from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0
feat(deps): bump from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0
feat(deps): bump from 0.16.0 to 0.16.1
feat(deps): update go-github to v57
feat(deps): update nfpm to latest
fix(deps): bump golang from 1.21.3-alpine to 1.21.4-alpine

##### Build process updates

build: fix setup-task rate limit
build: fix typo ([@&#8203;caarlos0](
build: golangci config
build: report only new lint problems
build: simplify changelog on nightly builds
build: update workflow

##### Other work

SBOM improvements
docs(azblob): correct auth to Azure storage service
docs(sbom): improve sbom alternative example
docs: Removed the duplicate GoReleaser Pro entry
docs: add flipt to USERS
docs: fix broken link
docs: fix broken link
docs: fix changelog subgroups docs
docs: fix typo
docs: fix typo in check_boxes
docs: install should say the required Go version
docs: mention that snaps cant be built inside docker
docs: update ([@&#8203;caarlos0](
docs: update add upx as optional prerequesite
docs: update deprecated `--skip-publish` release flag
docs: update details about cosign and certificate
docs: update snap link
docs: update the link to the go wiki page on first-class ports
docs: update users, blog posts divider
docs: update
refactor(brew): use cases.Title instead of strings.Title

**Full Changelog**:

#### Helping out

This release is only possible thanks to **all** the support of some
**awesome people**!

Want to be one of them?
You can [sponsor](, get a [Pro
License]( or [contribute with

#### Where to go next?

- Find examples and commented usage of all options in our
- Reach out on [Discord]( and

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with="100%" alt="GoReleaser logo"></a>


<summary>hashicorp/terraform (hashicorp/terraform)</summary>



##### 1.7.0 (January 17, 2024)


- Input validations are being restored to the state file in this version
of Terraform. Due to a state interoperability issue
in earlier versions, users that require interaction between different
minor series should ensure they have upgraded to the following patches:
    -   Users of Terraform prior to 1.3.0 are unaffected;
    -   Terraform 1.3 series users should upgrade to 1.3.10;
    -   Terraform 1.4 series users should upgrade to 1.4.7;
    -   Terraform 1.5 series users should upgrade to 1.5.7;
    -   Users of Terraform 1.6.0 and later are unaffected.
This is important for users with `terraform_remote_state` data sources
reading remote state across different versions of Terraform.

- `nonsensitive` function no longer raises an error when applied to a
value that is already non-sensitive.

- `terraform graph` now produces a simplified graph describing only
relationships between resources by default, for consistency with the
granularity of information returned by other commands that emphasize
resources as the main interesting object type and de-emphasize the other
"glue" objects that connect them.

The type of graph that earlier versions of Terraform produced by default
is still available with explicit use of the `-type=plan` option,
producing an approximation of the real dependency graph Terraform Core
would use to construct a plan.

- `terraform test`: Simplify the ordering of destroy operations during
test cleanup to simple reverse run block order.

- backend/s3: The `use_legacy_workflow` argument now defaults to
`false`. The backend will now search for credentials in the same order
as the default provider chain in the AWS SDKs and AWS CLI. To revert to
the legacy credential provider chain ordering, set this value to `true`.
This argument, and the ability to use the legacy workflow, is
deprecated. To encourage consistency with the AWS SDKs, this argument
will be removed in a future minor version.


- `terraform test`: Providers, modules, resources, and data sources can
now be mocked during executions of `terraform test`. The following new
blocks have been introduced within `.tftest.hcl` files:

- `mock_provider`: Can replace provider instances with mocked providers,
allowing tests to execute in `command = apply` mode without requiring a
configured cloud provider account and credentials. Terraform will create
fake resources for mocked providers and maintain them in state for the
lifecycle of the given test file.
- `override_resource`: Specific resources can be overridden so Terraform
will create a fake resource with custom values instead of creating
infrastructure for the overridden resource.
- `override_data`: Specific data sources can be overridden so data can
be imported into tests without requiring real infrastructure to be
created externally first.
- `override_module`: Specific modules can be overridden in their
entirety to give greater control over the returned outputs without
requiring in-depth knowledge of the module itself.
- `removed` block for refactoring modules: Module authors can now record
in source code when a resource or module call has been removed from
configuration, and can inform Terraform whether the corresponding object
should be deleted or simply removed from state.

This effectively provides a configuration-driven workflow to replace
`terraform state rm`. Removing an object from state is a new type of
action which is planned and applied like any other. The `terraform state
rm` command will remain available for scenarios in which directly
modifying the state file is appropriate.


- Ignore potential remote terraform version mismatch when running
- Exit Dockerfile build script early on `cd` failure.
- `terraform test`: Stop attempting to destroy run blocks that have no
actual infrastructure to destroy. This fixes an issue where attempts to
destroy "verification" run blocks that load only data sources would fail
if the underlying infrastructure referenced by the run blocks had
already been destroyed.
- `terraform test`: Improve error message for invalid run block names.
- `terraform test`: Fix bug where outputs in "empty" modules were not
available to the assertions from Terraform test files.
- security: Upstream patch to mitigate the security advisory
CVE-2023-48795, which potentially affects `local-exec` and `file`
provisioners connecting to remote hosts using SSH.


- `terraform test`: Providers defined within test files can now
reference variables from their configuration that are defined within the
test file.
- `terraform test`: Providers defined within test files can now
reference outputs from run blocks.
- `terraform test`: Terraform functions are now available within
variables and provider blocks within test files.
- `terraform test`: Terraform will now load variables from any
`terraform.tfvars` within the testing directory, and apply the variable
values to tests within the same directory.
- `terraform graph`: Now produces a simplified resources-only graph by
- `terraform console`: Now supports a `-plan` option which allows
evaluating expressions against the planned new state, rather than
against the prior state. This provides a more complete set of values for
use in console expressions, at the expense of a slower startup time due
first calculating the plan.
- `import`: `for_each` can now be used to expand the `import` block to
handle multiple resource instances
- If the proposed change for a resource instance is rejected either due
to a `postcondition` block or a `prevent_destroy` setting, Terraform
will now include that proposed change in the plan output alongside the
relevant error, whereas before the error would *replace* the proposed
change in the output.
- `.terraformignore`: improve performance when ignoring large

##### Previous Releases

For information on prior major and minor releases, see their changelogs:

- [v0.11 and


<summary>miniscruff/changie (miniscruff/changie)</summary>



##### Added

- [#&#8203;591](
Replacements can now be configured per project in a monorepo setup

##### Removed

- [#&#8203;597](
Preview warning when using projects


<summary>thycotic/dsv-cli (thycotic/dsv-cli)</summary>



##### ⬆️ Dependencies

- Update dependent libraries and go version. No user facing changes,
just continued maintenance for improved security & stability.



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "every weekday" (UTC), Automerge - At
any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( if
that's undesired.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
renovate[bot] committed Jan 23, 2024
1 parent 2144d04 commit 3eec0e3
Showing 1 changed file with 12 additions and 12 deletions.
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions aqua.yaml
Expand Up @@ -5,22 +5,22 @@ registries:
- type: standard
ref: v3.162.0 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
- name: miniscruff/changie@v1.17.0
- name: golang/go@go1.21.5
- name: miniscruff/changie@v1.18.0
- name: golang/go@go1.21.6
- name: direnv/direnv@v2.33.0
- name: magefile/mage@v1.15.0
- name: charmbracelet/glow@v1.5.1
- name: goreleaser/goreleaser@v1.22.1
- name: goreleaser/goreleaser@v1.23.0
- name: mvdan/gofumpt@v0.5.0
- name: golang/tools/gorename@v0.16.1
- name: golang/tools/stringer@v0.16.1
- name: golang/tools/gomvpkg@v0.16.1
- name: golang/tools/godoc@v0.16.1
- name: golang/tools/guru@v0.16.1
- name: anchore/syft@v0.99.0
- name: golang/tools/gorename@v0.17.0
- name: golang/tools/stringer@v0.17.0
- name: golang/tools/gomvpkg@v0.17.0
- name: golang/tools/godoc@v0.17.0
- name: golang/tools/guru@v0.17.0
- name: anchore/syft@v0.101.1
- name: direnv/direnv@v2.33.0
- name: thycotic/dsv-cli@v1.40.5
- name: hashicorp/terraform@v1.6.6
- name: thycotic/dsv-cli@v1.40.6
- name: hashicorp/terraform@v1.7.0
- name: git-town/git-town@v7.9.0
- name: DelineaXPM/dsv-cli@v1.40.5
- name: DelineaXPM/dsv-cli@v1.40.6
- name: gotestyourself/gotestsum@v1.11.0

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