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PherricOxide edited this page Sep 20, 2012 · 15 revisions

Welcome to the DataSoft Honeyd wiki!

Build Process



Import into Eclipse

Set a new workspace as the honeyd source directory.

Then File->Import... -> Existing Code as Makefile Project. Select the honeyd source file directory. (The directory that contains ./configure, README, etc...) Select Finish.

It should all import in. Now build the project, and have fun!

Fingerprint Errors

If ever you find a Honeyd profile that doesn't come up as a 100% result on an Nmap OS Scan, please make an Issue for it! We really want to know if there are any instances where Honeyd doesn't respond exactly correct. Keep a watchful eye out for the SP and ISR values inside the SEQ line of results. (Those ones are timing based, and you have to nail the value within a sometimes very tight bound) Thanks!

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