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Use Azure Key Vault for centralising your Terraform variables


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This module creates and manages an Azure Key Vault and stores your Terraform variable files as Secrets within it.


Example module usage:

module "azure_key_vault_tfvars" {
  source = ""

  environment                = "Dev"
  project_name               = "myproject"
  existing_resource_group    = "my-rg-name"
  enable_resource_group_lock =  false
  azure_location             = "uk-south"

  # (legacy) Grant access to Key Vault using Access Policy
  # key_vault_access_users = [
  #   "",
  # ]

  # (Preferred) Leverage Azure RBAC to grant access to Key Vault
  key_vault_access_use_rbac_authorization = true

  # List of IPV4 Addresses that are permitted to access the Key Vault
  key_vault_access_ipv4 = [

  ## Specify a list of Azure Subnet Resource IDs that can access this Key Vault
  # key_vault_access_subnet_ids = [
  #   "/my/azure/subnet/id"
  # ]

  tfvars_filename     = "dev.tfvars"
  secret_expiry_years = 5

  # enable_diagnostic_setting             = true
  # enable_log_analytics_workspace        = false
  # diagnostic_log_analytics_workspace_id = "my-log-analytics"
  # diagnostic_eventhub_name              = "my-eventhub-name"
  # enable_diagnostic_storage_account     = false
  # diagnostic_storage_account_id         = "my-storage-account-id"

  tags = {
    "My Tag" = "My Value!"


Name Version
terraform >= 1.4.5
azuread >= 2.37.1
azurerm >= 3.52.0
null >= 3.2.1


Name Version
azuread 2.48.0
azurerm 3.101.0
null 3.2.2


Name Type
azurerm_key_vault.tfvars resource
azurerm_key_vault_secret.tfvars resource
azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.key_vault resource
azurerm_management_lock.default resource
azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting.tfvars resource
azurerm_resource_group.default resource
azurerm_storage_account.logs resource
azurerm_storage_account_network_rules.logs resource
null_resource.check_key_vault_secret_age_against_local_tfvars resource
azuread_user.key_vault_access data source
azurerm_client_config.current data source
azurerm_resource_group.existing_resource_group data source


Name Description Type Default Required
azure_location Azure location in which to launch resources. string n/a yes
diagnostic_eventhub_name Specify an Event Hub name to send Diagnostic information to string "" no
diagnostic_log_analytics_workspace_id Specify a Log Analytics Workspace ID to send Diagnostic information to string "" no
diagnostic_storage_account_id Specify a Storage Account ID to send Diagnostic information to string "" no
enable_diagnostic_setting Enable Azure Diagnostics setting for the Key Vault bool true no
enable_diagnostic_storage_account When enabled, creates a Storage Account for the diagnostic logs, if one hasn't been specified for diagnostic_storage_account_id bool false no
enable_log_analytics_workspace When enabled, creates a Log Analyics Workspace, if one hasn't been specified for diagnostic_log_analytics_workspace_id bool false no
enable_resource_group_lock Enabling this will add a Resource Lock to the Resource Group preventing any resources from being deleted. bool false no
enable_tfvars_file_age_check Compares the file age of the tfvars file with the updated time of the Key Vault Secret, and prevents and older tfvars file updating a newer secret. bool true no
environment Environment name. Will be used along with project_name as a prefix for all resources. string n/a yes
existing_resource_group Name of an existing Resource Group to create the Key Vault within. If left empty, one will be created. string "" no
key_vault_access_ipv4 List of IPv4 Addresses that are permitted to access the Key Vault list(string) n/a yes
key_vault_access_subnet_ids List of Azure Subnet IDs that are permitted to access the Key Vault list(string) [] no
key_vault_access_use_rbac_authorization Use RBAC to handle access controls for the Key Vault bool false no
key_vault_access_users List of users that require access to the Key Vault. This should be a list of User Principle Names (Found in Active Directory) that need to run terraform list(string) n/a yes
project_name Project name. Will be used along with environment as a prefix for all resources. string n/a yes
secret_expiry_years Number of years from now when the Key Vault secret should be considered expired number 5 no
tags Tags to be applied to all resources map(string) {} no
tfvars_filename tfvars filename. This file is uploaded and stored encrupted within Key Vault, to ensure that the latest tfvars are stored in a shared place. string n/a yes


No outputs.