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A self-hosted Local-first Feed Reader written in Python and Preact/React.


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LFReader is a self-hosted Local-first Feed Reader written in Python and Preact/React.


  • Local-first: Feeds and entries are stored in a sqlite3 database so that you can read local feeds even without Internet access. Futhermore, it supports archiving resources like images in the entries.
  • Dark mode support: Users can choose between light and dark modes





Using docker/podman

docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name lfreader -v $PWD/data:/app/data dcsunset/lfreader

Then access http://localhost:8080 in browser.

Using pip

To install backend server only, you can use pip to install the backend dir in this repo:

pip install -e "git+"

Using Nix

This package is available in NUR. The output of the derivation includes both backend executable (bin/lfreader-server) and frontend static files (in share/lfreader).

Besides, a NixOS module for backend server is provided in the Nix flake output. Simply import the flake and import the module modules.lfreader and add the following NixOS configuration:

  imports = [ nur-dcsunset.modules.lfreader ];
  services.lfreader = {
    enable = true;
    # or use nur.repos.dcsunset.lfreader with NUR namespace
    package = nur-dcsunset.packages.lfreader;
    host = "::";
    port = 3000;
    logLevel = "debug";

From source code

First, clone this repo.

Then, build the frontend (bundled files are in directory frontend/dist):

cd frontend
npm i
npm run build
cd ..

Next, install dependencies and run backend:

# use Nix
nix run .#backend-prod

# or manually
cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn --host --port 3000

Finally, use your favorite web server to serve the frontend files (frontend/dist) and set up the reverse proxy to pass routes prefixed by /api to backend. If archiving is enabled (default), make sure the archives directory is served at /archives.



Available config options can be found in the sidebar UI.

One important option is to enable/disable archiving. For feeds that contain many images or videos, it might be slow and expensive to archive them. You can disable archiving globally in such case.


The following environment variables are supported when running the backend:

Variable Default Description
LFREADER_DB "db.sqlite" File path to store the database
LFREADER_ARCHIVE "archives" Directory path to store archived resources
LFREADER_USER_AGENT None User agent to use when sending HTTP requests
LFREADER_TIMEOUT "15" Timeout of each HTTP request (in seconds)
LFREADER_LOG_LEVEL "info" Log level



Change directory to frontend. Create a symlink public/archivesto the backend archive directory to serve resources. Finally, run npm run dev.


With Nix, run dev server directly: nix run .#backend-dev

Or install all the dependencies (you could also use venv here):

pip install -r fastapi uvicorn
uvicorn --reload --port 3000

To test if the backend pyproject can build successfully:

cd backend
## optionally set up vevn
# python -m venv venv
# . ./venv/bin/activate

## pip install
pip install .



Steps to migrate database from below v1.2.0 to v1.2.0:

  1. Make a backup of the old db first.
  2. Create a new database by running LFReader server v1.2.0.
  3. Add all previous feeds through API or Web UI
  4. Run python scripts/ <old_db> <new_db> to migrate all previous entries

