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Releases: Crunch-io/nightwatch-vrt

Proper prioritization of settings sources

02 Apr 02:12
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Bug fix: Properly resolving priority of settings sources

Remove deprecated Nightwatch 'client.assertion' reference

06 Dec 22:34
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Skipping release tags 0.2.7 and 0.2.8 to get in sync with npm.

Various fixes

02 Feb 21:47
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Fix viewport size restriction and problem running tests in parallel

30 Oct 18:57
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Fix default behavior when screenshot comparison assertion fails

08 Oct 20:06
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Now when the screenshot comparison assertion fails, the diff screenshot is saved by default if the prompt and always_save_diff_screenshot are set to false (they are set to false by default)

Fix issue with screenshot and source element dimensions

21 Sep 12:40
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When the element targeted by the screenshotIdenticalToBaseline assertion has dimensions larger than the screenshot, which happens when the element dimensions surpass the viewport dimensions and a scrollbar appears, nightwatch-vrt would fail with a buffer range error.

This is fixed on this release.

Allow to set custom file name for the default screenshot name generator

05 Sep 20:23
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Merge pull request #5 from msteitle/custom-filename-fix

Adding default usage of custom file name

Improvements in package.json metadata

01 Sep 14:23
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New minor release

01 Sep 13:57
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  • Default settings (no errors if I provide nothing)
  • Ability to override default settings at a test level
  • Method to change folder structure (If I want all images in the same directory, for example)
  • Add optional suffix to files (In case several files are in one directory, append .diff or .latest to filenames)
  • Optional custom filenames
  • Optional terminal prompt if screenshots differ, so user may observe differences and decide whether to override
  • Improvements in the documentation
  • TypeScript type definition
  • Demo directory

Stable version

15 Aug 01:09
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After some internal testing in our project, this is ready for prime time.