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Francesco Novy edited this page Nov 20, 2018 · 3 revisions


You can configure the l10n service to your needs. These are the main configuration options available for you:

// apps/services/l10n.js
import L10n from 'ember-l10n/services/l10n';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';

export default L10n.extend({
  availableLocales: computed(function() {
    return {
      en: 'English',
      de: 'German - Deutsch'

  // If true, it will try to automatically set the language to the browser's language
  // Set this to false if you want to manually set the language
  autoInitialize: true

You can manually change the language of the service with these methods of the

l10n.setLocale('de'); // Set the locale - returns a promise
l10n.hasLocale('de'); // returns true or false
l10n.detectLocale(); // returns the best fitting locale for the browser


By default, ember-l10n assumes your locale files are fingerprinted in production environment. This requires you to add this to ember-cli-build.js:

// ember-cli-build.js
let env = process.env.EMBER_ENV || 'development';

let app = new EmberAddon(defaults, { 
  // ... other options... 
  fingerprint: {
    enabled: env === 'production',
    generateAssetMap: true,
    fingerprintAssetMap: true,
    // We need to add json to the fingerprinted extentions
    extensions: ['js', 'css', 'png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'map', 'svg', 'json']

This uses ember-cli-ifa to get the asset map, in order to get the fingerprinted locale files.

Deactivating fingerprinting

If you want to completely turn off fingerprinting, add this to your config/environment.js:

// config/environment.js
let ENV = {
  ifa: { enabled: false }

It will then load the locales normally from e.g. /assets/locales/en.json.