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Global Variables

This will be live-coded in the Rust Playground.

Most languages let you use global variables, and it's not at all uncommon to use them to share data. Global access patterns divide into:

  • Actual global variables.
  • Static members of types.
  • Singletons---structures designed to hold a single copy of some data and share it.

New Rustaceans are often surprised that this doesn't work:

let shared = 5;

fn main() {

The compiler error message is:

error: expected item, found keyword `let`
 --> src/
1 | let shared = 5;
  | ^^^ consider using `const` or `static` instead of `let` for global variables

Rust does not support simple global variables. Here's why:

  • In many languages, initialization order is an open question. When exactly are non-constant global variables initialized?
  • You can never be sure where changes to global variables are coming from. This makes it effectively impossible for the borrow checker to enforce its rules.
  • Rust assumes that you are in a multi-threaded environment. That means it has to assume the worst: changes might come from anywhere, at any time.

Make it a Constant

In this case, shared is immutable and could be a constant:

const SHARED: usize = 5;

fn main() {

Constants can be global, public global. Rust knows that they can never change. See the Constants section.

This is great for variables that constant, but what about actual shared data?

Static Variables

Let's take the compiler's other piece of advice and make a static variable:

static SHARED: usize = 5;

fn main() {

That worked! Unfortunately, SHARED is still immutable---you can't change it. It's effectively a constant (and probably turned into one with compiler optimizations). So let's make it mutable:

static mut SHARED: usize = 5;

fn main() {

The variable declaration worked, but the compiler really doesn't like you using the variable:

error[E0133]: use of mutable static is unsafe and requires unsafe function or block
 --> src/
4 |     println!("{SHARED}");
  |                ^^^^^^ use of mutable static
  = note: mutable statics can be mutated by multiple threads: aliasing violations or data races will cause undefined behavior
  = note: this error originates in the macro `$crate::format_args_nl` which comes from the expansion of the macro `println` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)

Abandon all Safety

Ok, so what about going unsafe?

static mut SHARED: usize = 5;

fn main() {
    unsafe {

That works. You can even change SHARED:

static mut SHARED: usize = 5;

fn main() {
    unsafe {
        SHARED += 1;

That also works!

Now for the bad news. Unless you have no alternative, DO NOT DO THIS. You:

  • Turned off Rust's ability to detect data races. You could write the buggy prime number calculator this way.
  • You'll have unsafe markers everywhere you use the data. unsafe doesn't actually mean "this isn't safe"---it means you are promising that you know what you are doing, and it's not Rust's fault if something goes awry. You have that power, use it responsibly.

Safely Share Types with Interior Mutability

Remember back in lifetimes we talked about interior mutability patterns? This is another case in which you can use interior mutabilty to safely share data. There's one additional caveat: the constructor must be a constant function!

Atomic primitives automatically support a constant constructor, so you can use them as safely shared global variables:

use std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;

static SHARED: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(5);

fn main() {
        println!("{}", SHARED.load(Ordering::Relaxed));

That's quite a bit more typing, but you are safe from data-races---and have a global variable.

You can rig up a nasty-looking combination of Arc, RefCell and similar to make a global variable work, but it's much easier to use a synchronization primitive:

use std::sync::Mutex;

static SHARED: Mutex<usize> = Mutex::new(5);

fn main() {
        println!("{}", *SHARED.lock().unwrap());

We'll be diving into synchronization primitives in a moment. Let's stick to global variables for just a little longer.

Non-Constant Initializers

Not every type can be initialized in a const way. You don't always know your inputs ahead of time. So this won't work:

use std::sync::Mutex;

struct MyType(usize);

impl MyType {
    fn new(n: usize) -> Self {

static SHARED: Mutex<MyType> = Mutex::new(MyType::new(5));

fn main() {
        println!("{}", SHARED.lock().unwrap().0);

In this case, you can put change new to const fn new and it'll work. But the issue here is that you need a constructor that isn't constant.

You could work around it by having a constant initializer, and then remember to call some sort of update() function. That would work, but it's risky: what if you forget to update? What if you call update at the wrong time?

Lazy Singletons

We're switching back to Visual Studio Code since this requires a dependency. The Github is here

In Cargo.toml, add a dependency to a crate called once_cell. Once cell is popular enough that the Rust error messages suggest using it, and there's some discussion about merging it into the core.

Then use the Lazy type:

use std::sync::Mutex;

use once_cell::sync::Lazy;

struct MyType(usize);

impl MyType {
    fn new(n: usize) -> Self {        

static SHARED: Lazy<Mutex<MyType>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(MyType::new(5)));

fn main() {
    println!("{}", SHARED.lock().unwrap().0);

This is a very safe construct:

  • Lazy will run the initialization for your type the first time it is accessed. You can't forget to set it up.
  • Mutex ensures that whatever you are storing inside is protected against data races.
  • Mutex ensures that the contents are Send+Sync (see the next section), so you can have pretty much anything in there.

Will the Lazy type be dropped when you quit?

Let's try it:

use std::sync::Mutex;

use once_cell::sync::Lazy;

struct MyType(usize);

impl MyType {
    fn new(n: usize) -> Self {        

impl Drop for MyType {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

static SHARED: Lazy<Mutex<MyType>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(MyType::new(5)));

fn main() {
    println!("{}", SHARED.lock().unwrap().0);

cargo run shows us:


You can't count on destructors running for global types. It's probably a bad idea to have a global that requires some form of resource locking anyway, but don't count on Drop to cleanup after your globals.