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Synchronization Primitives

In the previous example, we wrapped everything in a Mutex. Mutex is great: it's a safe wrapper, guarantees single access, and is simple to use. It's not always the type of synchronization you want.

Understanding Locking

Going back to our Playground sync example:

use std::sync::Mutex;

struct MyType(usize);

impl MyType {
    const fn new(n: usize) -> Self { // <-- Notice we've added a constant constructor

static SHARED: Mutex<MyType> = Mutex::new(MyType::new(5));

fn main() {
    println!("{}", SHARED.lock().unwrap().0);

The SHARED.lock().unwrap() is two stage:

  • lock() obtains exclusive access to the interior variable. You can mutate it.
  • unwrap() catches any errors that may occur.

Let's expand on this a bit:

fn main() {
    let mut lock = SHARED.lock().unwrap();
    lock.0 += 1;
    println!("{}", lock.0);

lock provides mutable access: you can change the global variable. Nothing else can make changes while you are in there.


Now let's make a typo:

fn main() {
    let mut lock = SHARED.lock().unwrap();
    lock.0 += 1;
    println!("{}", SHARED.lock().unwrap().0);

Run this, and the Playground helpfully prevents us from spinning forever:

/playground/tools/ line 11:     8 Killed                  timeout --signal=KILL ${timeout} "$@"

We accidentally locked our Mutex twice: and Rust didn't give any sort of warning. Rust provides no protection against deadlocks. Deadlocks happen at runtime, and most of Rust's safety is compile-time. Rust has no way of knowing the order in which you will wind up running things in a complex application, so it doesn't try.

Avoiding Deadlocks with Drop

To avoid deadlocks, you have to understand how locks work. They use Drop to release the lock. So you can fix our problem above by simply dropping lock out of scope when you are done with it:

fn main() {
        let mut lock = SHARED.lock().unwrap();
        lock.0 += 1;
    println!("{}", SHARED.lock().unwrap().0);

Making interior scopes like this is a great, popular way to handle the problem. When lock reaches the end of the scope, it is dropped --- releasing the lock. No deadlock.

You can also manually drop a lock:

fn main() {
    let mut lock = SHARED.lock().unwrap();
    lock.0 += 1;
    println!("{}", SHARED.lock().unwrap().0);

This does the same thing, but without introducing a whole new scope. If you need to retain other parts of the scope, that's your escape hatch!

Types of Lock

There are two popular locking primitives built into Rust. They operate similarly. You've seen Mutex, the other popular lock is RwLock---the "Read/Write Lock".

RwLock works similarly:

use std::sync::RwLock;

struct MyType(usize);

impl MyType {
    const fn new(n: usize) -> Self { // <-- Notice we've added a constant constructor

static SHARED: RwLock<MyType> = RwLock::new(MyType::new(5));

fn main() {
    for _ in 0..10 {
        std::thread::spawn(|| {
            let read_lock =;
            println!("The value of SHARED is {}", read_lock.0)
    std::thread::spawn(|| {
        let mut write_lock = SHARED.write().unwrap();
        write_lock.0 += 1;

This yields:

The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 6
The value of SHARED is 6

The difference is that you can ask for a read or write lock. You can have an unlimited number of read locks active at a time. You can only ever have one write lock (and no read locks while it is active).

When write activates, it waits until the read locks are done. So if you decide to keep a permanent read lock somewhere, the writing thread will deadlock.

So if you decide to make your readers sleep:

fn main() {
    for _ in 0..10 {
        std::thread::spawn(|| {
            let read_lock =;
            println!("The value of SHARED is {}", read_lock.0);
    std::thread::spawn(|| {
        let mut write_lock = SHARED.write().unwrap();
        write_lock.0 += 1;

Your writer never actually fires in the short time we're running the program:

The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5

Dropping the read lock changes this:

use std::sync::RwLock;

struct MyType(usize);

impl MyType {
    const fn new(n: usize) -> Self { // <-- Notice we've added a constant constructor

static SHARED: RwLock<MyType> = RwLock::new(MyType::new(5));

fn main() {
    for _ in 0..10 {
        std::thread::spawn(|| {
            let read_lock =;
            println!("The value of SHARED is {}", read_lock.0);
    std::thread::spawn(|| {
        let mut write_lock = SHARED.write().unwrap();
        write_lock.0 += 1;

Giving lots of updates:

The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 5
The value of SHARED is 6
The value of SHARED is 6
The value of SHARED is 6
The value of SHARED is 6
The value of SHARED is 6

Some Rules of Thumb

  • Keep all locks as short as possible.
  • If you need to perform a huge update, build the result outside of the lock---and move it in.