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The name, Ryuuri (流離), is Japanese and means "to wander in a foreign country far from home".

preview of the application

Examples of some dungeons

  1. 200x200 px, 41 %, 10 steps, x & y scaled by 2, seed: 2352837519905149105, no walls, logic V1
  2. 400x400 px, 40 %, 5 steps x & y not scaled, seed: 8701462806124051100, no walls, logic V1, connected
  3. 200x200 px, 40 %, 5 steps, x & y scaled by 2, seed: 1365928333090366521, no walls, logic V2, connected
  4. 400x400 px, 45 %, 5 steps x & y not scaled, seed: -706147279899605297, no walls, logic V2, connected

dungeon 1 dungeon 2 dungeon 3 dungeon 4

Weekly reports

Week 7

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1


User Guide





The application can be run with:

gradlew run

Building a JAR

For Linux & Windows on Windows:

gradlew shadowJar -Dplatform=linux.x86_64


Tests can be performed with:

gradlew test

and benchmarks with:

gradlew clean benchmark


gradlew clean benchmark -Dtest.type=bit

for BitSet[] benchmarks.

Code coverage can be created with:

gradlew test jacocoTestReport

Code coverage can be viewed by opening build/reports/jacoco/test/html/index.html in a browser.


JavaDoc files can be created with:

gradlew javadoc

They can be viewed by opening build/docs/javadoc/index.html in a browser.


Checks defined in checkstyle.xml can be executed with:

gradlew checkstyleMain

and for tests

gradlew checkstyleTest

Results can be viewed by opening target/site/checkstyle.html in a browser.


  • Java 11+
  • Gradle 6.8.1+

Originally made for tiralab hy2021.