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Tools for transparency and accessibility in council action.

Council Data Project

A search engine for local government.

We aim to empower journalists, activists, and community members in following council action by combining and simplifying sources of information on municipal council meetings and actions.

More information on us and links to all of the municipalities we serve are available on

If you are interested in contributing in any way (development, design, project management, community management, etc.) let us know via GitHub issue.


Repo Details Build Status
cookiecutter-cdp-deployment Start here if you want to deploy Council Data Project! Build Example Repo
cdp-backend Our single source for backend development for all deployments. Every deployment utilizes this library for processing and storing data. Written in Python. CI
cdp-frontend Our single source for frontend development for all deployments. Every deployment utilizes this library for rendering it's web application. Written in TypeScript. Build Main
cdp-scrapers A library for legislative scrapers. Some work across multiple councils and some are specific to a single council. Written in Python. CI
cdp-data Generalized functions for downloading, processing, and plotting data from any CDP deployment. Written in Python. CI
speakerbox A library to assist with quickly annotating audio datasets, and training a model using that data for speaker identification. Written in Python. Build

In Development

Repo Details
semantic-navigator An active learning approach for user driven archival search. Written in Python.
transcript-file-format A possible future for a transcript model that many projects can share.


⚠️⚠️ All deployments are not collecting or processing any new data. We will be archiving them soon. ⚠️⚠️

Deployments Maintained By Others

Some of these are active, some are not.

Popular repositories

  1. speakerbox speakerbox Public

    Speakerbox: Fine-tune Audio Transformers for speaker identification.

    Python 42 6

  2. cookiecutter-cdp-deployment cookiecutter-cdp-deployment Public

    Cookiecutter template for creating new CDP instances.

    Python 25 9

  3. cdp-scrapers cdp-scrapers Public

    Scratchpad for scraper development and general utilities.

    Python 22 16

  4. cdp-backend cdp-backend Public

    Data storage utilities and processing pipelines used by CDP instances.

    Python 21 25

  5. cdp-frontend cdp-frontend Public

    Component library and web app used by CDP instances.

    TypeScript 15 26

  6. cdp-roadmap cdp-roadmap Public

    The public roadmap for CDP.



Showing 10 of 44 repositories

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