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Collective Shield

Getting started

Step 1: Install linting dependencies

Run npm install in the root directory of the project to install the development dependencies used for linting.

Step 2: Install project dependencies

Run the following command from the root project directory to install the API and UI dependencies:

cd api && npm install && cd ../ui && npm install

Step 3: Create your API .env file

Create a file called api/.env with the following contents:


Replace XXXXX with the respective values.
See here for more information about these variables.

Step 4: Run the API

To start the API, run the following command:

cd api && npm start

You should see something resembling the following outputted to your console:

Using ts-node version 8.8.2, typescript version 3.8.3
[HPM] Proxy created: /  -> http://localhost:3000
Express web server started: http://localhost:3050
Connected to MongoDb

Step 5: Run the UI

While the API is still running, open up a new terminal and run the following command to start the UI:

cd ui && npm start

After the UI finishes starting up, navigate to http://localhost:3050/ to view the app.


Building for Production

To transpile the TypeScript code into plain JavaScript that Node can run, use the following command:

cd api && npm run build

This outputs to: api/build.

Environment Variables

Environment variables are loaded in via the .env file in the api folder.

The following variables are available:

Variable Type Required Description
COOKIE_SECRET String Secret used for encoding cookies
FACEBOOK_ID String Facebook client ID
FACEBOOK_SECRET String Facebook client secret
GOOGLE_ID String Google client ID
GOOGLE_SECRET String Google client secret
MAILGUN_API_KEY String API Key for authenticating with Mailgun.
MAILGUN_DOMAIN String Domain that emails will be sent from.
MONGODB URI A MongoDB connection URL. Should start with mongodb://.
PORT Number Port the app will listen on. Defaults to 3050.


Building for Production

Run the following command to build the app for production to the ui/build folder:

cd ui && npm run build

It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

See the section about deployment for more information.