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Releases: Codearte/gradle-nexus-staging-plugin


26 Feb 22:23
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  • Replace from old unsupported HTTP Builder to OkHttp 4 - #188 - PR by anuraaga
  • Switch project development to maintenance mode - see below
  • Switch build to Gradle 6.8.3
  • Remove deprecated since 0.8.0 promoteRepository and closeAndPromoteRepository tasks

Backward compatibility note. Due to the internal HTTP client library change, the plugin might start behaving slightly different in certain situations.

PROJECT DEVELOPMENT SWITCHED TO THE MAINTENANCE MODE. To make releasing to Maven Central even easier, I and Marc Phillip (the author of nexus-publish-plugin) combined forces to create a next generation, unified 2-in-1 plugin - gradle-nexus-publish-plugin. It is a recommended solution, as our development effort will be put in that new plugin. See my blog post and the official migration guide.

Thank you for over 5 years of releasing with my plugin!


17 Aug 19:52
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  • Change default retrying time to 5 minutes - a value recommended by Sonatype (suggestion by Mikhail Yakushin)
  • Switch build to Gradle 6.6
  • Bump some dependencies
  • Check basic compatibility with Gradle up to 6.6
  • CI server sanity check for Java 14 compatibility


23 Dec 17:28
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05 Sep 10:56
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  • Fix incompatibility of unsupported releasing with legacy upload task with Gradle 5
  • Precise minimal supported Gradle version to 4.9
  • Improve error message when applying on root project - #122 - PR by Patrik Greco


19 May 14:42
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  • Restore ability to override ban on applying plugin on subprojects - #116
  • Workaround on Gradle limitations with precompiled script plugin accessors in Kotlin - #117 - contribution by @Vampire
  • Decrease retrying messages verbosity - #82
  • Execute e2e tests on Travis also for Java 11 - #74
  • Automatically upgrade dependencies with Dependabot - #79
  • CI server sanity check for Java 12 compatibility
  • CI server sanity check for OpenJ9 11 compatibility


05 Jan 01:14
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  • Reuse explicitly created staging repository ID if provided by external plugin - #77
  • Fix releasing from Travis - workaround Gradle limitation with Nexus stating repositories with external plugin - nexus-publish-plugin #76
  • Raise minimal required Gradle version to 4.8 due to internals modernisation
  • Runtime compatibility with Gradle 5.0 and 5.1

Deprecation note. Support for implicitly created staging repositories is deprecated. It has been always problematic, slow and error prone to find a proper staging repository and the recent changes in Travis just emphasised that. Thanks to the new nexus-publish-plugin plugin by Marc Philipp which seamlessly integrates with the gradle-nexus-staging plugin it should straightforward to use explicitly created staging repositories in Nexus. At least in a case of using maven-publish (publish... tasks). If you still use the old maven plugin (the uploadArchives task) please refer to that issue.

The original code has not been removed and should still work for the time being (if you don't use Travis), but it is no longer officially supported (e.g. the E2E tests has been switched to the new approach).


29 Sep 23:04
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  • Java 11 compatibility (basic path verified by e2e tests) - #73
  • Fix crash on non-upload task named 'uploadArchives' - #67
  • Drop support for Java 7
  • Drop Gradle 2.x support (not supported by used plugins)
  • Upgrade project dependencies
  • Upgrade Gradle to 4.10.2


18 Aug 11:41
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  • Fail when applied on non-root project - #47
  • Less confusing log output without "info" logging enabled - #60
  • Upgrade project dependencies
  • Upgrade Gradle to 4.1 (compatibility with Gradle 2.0+ should be still maintained)


17 Aug 23:08
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  • Configurable repository description in close/release operation - #63 - contribution by akomakom


05 Jun 12:53
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This release provides no new features or bugfixes. It is focused on acceptance E2E testing and Continuous Delivery with CDeliveryBoy.

  • Acceptance tests at Gradle level run before release against real Nexus - #40
  • Automatic synchronization with GitHub releases - #52
  • Switch releasing to Continuous Delivery with CDeliveryBoy - #54