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Windows Service Extensions

Building a basic Windows Service that does some long-running background work is trivial, using .NET's UseWindowsService() (from the Platform Extensions package Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.WindowsServices) and Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.BackgroundService from Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions.

Running as a Windows Service and running BackgroundServices are two separate things though, and they are not connected in any way. A non-service console app can run background services, and so can and do web applications. Each of those are different hosting environments, with their own lifetimes.

This project exists of a few classes that make building reliable Windows Services easier, to gap this disconnect.


The following improvements are included in this library:

  • OnStart() can fail because of invalid service configuration, quit the application when that happens (by kmcclellan).
  • On consumer OS Windows 10+, shutting down the computer will actually hibernate the OS. Services won't get another OnStart() call when the computer starts again, nor will your background services be notified. Now they will.
  • It also can notify your BackgroundServices about user session changes, i.e. logon, logoff and others.
  • When an exception occurs during your BackgroundService's lifetime, .NET Platform Extensions < 6 didn't stop the application host. Now it does, but it doesn't report an error to the Service Control Manager. With this extension, it does, as well as setting a process exit code: 13 in both cases ("invalid data").


Through NuGet:

> Install-Package CodeCaster.WindowsServiceExtensions


These methods from this package allow your IHostedServices to tell the Windows Service Control Manager about errors, and respond to Windows Service events relating to sessions (user logon/logoff) and power state (shutdown/hibernate/resume):

  • On your Host Builder, call UseWindowsServiceExtensions() instead of UseWindowsService().
  • Instead of letting your service inherit BackgroundService, inherit from CodeCaster.WindowsServiceExtensions.WindowsServiceBackgroundService.
  • Implement protected Task TryExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken) instead of ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken).
  • Implement the method public override bool OnPowerEvent(PowerBroadcastStatus powerStatus) { ... } and do your thing when it's called with a certain status.
  • Implement the method public override bool OnSessionChange(SessionChangeDescription changeDescription) { ... } and do your thing when it's called with a certain status.

Do note that the statuses received can vary. You get either ResumeSuspend, ResumeAutomatic or both reported to OnPowerEvent(), never neither, after a machine wake, reboot or boot.


For examples and more specific documentation, see

Upgrading from v2 to v3

If you're one of the souls that use this library (who are you?), you'll want to upgrade to v3.0 after upgrading your projects to .NET 6.


  • The DI extension method IHostBuilder.UsePowerEventAwareWindowsService() is now called UseWindowsServiceExtensions() because we do more than power events now.
  • The long-running hosted service base class CodeCaster.WindowsServiceExtensions.PowerEventAwareBackgroundService was renamed to CodeCaster.WindowsServiceExtensions.Service.WindowsServiceBackgroundService, because the former didn't have enough "Service" in its name.
  • Instead of BackgroundService.ExecuteAsync(), which is now sealed, override WindowsServiceBackgroundService.TryExecuteAsync() to do your long-running work.

Extended upgrading docs: see


Please file an issue or PR. Even if you use this and are happy with it.


Create resilient Windows Services that get informed about power and session events.








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