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Themthem is a toolbox for managing CSS variables & token based on a typed interface


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License: MIT

Themthem (pronounced like "temtem" /temtem/) is a library of tools which lets you manage your CSS variables and tokens based on a Typescript interface.

Work In Progress

Note that themthem API is currently not stable and can or will be changed until it's in a stable version 1.


npm install --save themthem

or using yarn

yarn add themthem


For a better usage of themthem it's recommended to use TypeScript.
All the helpers of the API are based on type to augment from themthem.

Define your global design tokens

In the root of your sources (eg: ./src) create a themthem-interfaces.d.ts and augment the GlobalDesignTokenBox interface of themthem.

/// <reference types="themthem/interfaces" />

interface GlobalDesignTokenBox {
    colors: ['black', 'white', 'my-custom-color'];
    sizes: ['sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl']

Define component design tokens

To define component token you need to augment ComponentDesignTokenBox. It's recommended to create a new definition file (.d.ts) aside your component when defining a new component design tokens (for example: Input.themthem.d.ts).

/// <reference types="themthem/interfaces" />

interface ComponentDesignTokenBox {
    Input: ['background-color', 'color', 'border-color', 'border-size']


All the functions of the API is based on GlobalDesignTokenBox and ComponentDesignTokenBox by default.
So the example on this section will all be based on the augmentation done in the Usage section.

cssVariable(type, key, token, options?)

Generate a CSS Variable based on your theme.

Parameter Type Description Default value
type 'global' | 'component' The type of token you want. 'global' for GlobalDesignTokens or 'component' for ComponentDesignToken
key keyof Themthem[typeof type] The global design token category or component name
token Themthem[typeof type][typeof key][number] The token token inside the category/component
options { bare?: boolean } | undefined Whether you want the bare css variable or it's usage { bare: false }

@returns {string} The bare CSS variable or CSS variable usage

import { cssVariable } from 'themthem';

cssVariable('global', 'color', 'black', { bare: true }); // "--global-color-black"
cssVariable('global', 'color', 'black'); // "var(--global-color-black)"


Generate CSS variables assignments for you global design tokens based on your theme.

Parameter Type Description Default value
config Object A 2-level deep object assigning values to your global design tokens

@returns {string[]} An array of CSS variables declarations

import { generateGlobalCSSVariables } from 'themthem';

const globalVariablesAssignments = generateGlobalCSSVariables({
    colors: {
        black: '#000',
        white: '#fff',
        'my-custom-color': '#298af3'
    sizes: {
        sm: '4px',
        md: '8px',
        lg: '12px',
        xl: '20px',

// [
//   '--global-colors-black: #000;',
//   '--global-colors-white: #fff;',
//   '--global-colors-my-custom-color: #298af3;',
//   '--global-sizes-sm: 4px;',
//   '--global-sizes-md: 8px;',
//   '--global-sizes-lg: 12px;',
//   '--global-sizes-xl: 20px;'
// ]


Create a function which lets you generate CSS variables assignments for a component.

Parameter Type Description Default value
component keyof Themthem['component'] The name of the component

@returns {(config): string[]} A function which generates CSS variables assignments for the specified component

import { createCSSVariablesGenerator } from 'themthem';

const generateInputCSSVariables = createCSSVariablesGenerator('Input');

const inputVariablesAssignments = generateInputCSSVariables({
    'background-color': cssVariable('global', 'colors', 'white'),
    'color': 'black',
    'border-color': '#333',
    'border-size': '1px'

// [
//   '--input-background-color: var(--global-colors-white);',
//   '--input-color: black;',
//   '--input-border-color: #333;',
//   '--input-border-size: 1px;',
// ]


Themthem is a toolbox for managing CSS variables & token based on a typed interface







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