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MySQL for NSS systems

Supported Operating Systems: o Linux o Solaris (Sparc or Intel) (2.6, 7, 8. 9 without PAM) o FreeBSD (5.1+)

Supported MySQL Versions: o MySQL 3.23.9 - 4.1.x

Supported Compilers: o GCC (2.95.2, 3.x) o Sun Forte Developer 7 C 5.4

NOTE: Solaris 9 is not fully unsupported. Sun's PAM modules have become so restrictive that you can't even properly authenticate via PAM anymore if there's a "mysql" in /etc/nsswitch.conf. System routines like getpwnam will still work, so you can work around it some by compiling your apps with PAM turned off - however logging in via system programs such as telnet will fail. I'll be addressing this when I can; unfortunately it requires a PAM module that I'd need to write. It's on my TODO list ...


o Installing from source:
  o A functional compile environment (system headers, C compiler, ...)
  o MySQL client library & header files (local)
  o MySQL server (local or remote)

o Installing from RPM:
  o MySQL server (local or remote)

o Installing from Solaris Package
  o MySQL server (local or remote)

o Installing from FreeBSD Port
  o MySQL client library (local)
  o MySQL server (local or remote)

The details

o If installing from source:
  o ./configure
  o make
  o make install
  If your MySQL installation is based in strange directory, use
  the --with-mysql=DIR option of ./configure to specify.  For example,
  "./configure --with-mysql=/usr2"

o Edit /etc/libnss-mysql.cfg and /etc/libnss-mysql-root.cfg.

o Add data to MySQL. The default configs will work well with the sample
  sql database in sample/sample_database.sql.  Read that file for more
  details on the sample database.

o Edit (or create) /etc/nsswitch.conf such that it contains at least the
    passwd: files mysql
    shadow: files mysql
    group:  files mysql

  Do not enter the 'shadow' line on any system except Linux.
  If you don't want groups from MySQL, simply don't include 'mysql' in 
  in the 'group' line.

64-bit Support (SPARC V9/Solaris 7+)

You need to produce BOTH a 32-bit and 64-bit library, so get the 32-bit one working first. 32-bit programs (most still are) will use the 32-bit library, and 64-bit programs will use the 64-bit version.

You must have a set of 32-bit libraries, and another set of 64-bit libraries: MySQL, libc, libm, etc ... Solaris tends to put 64-bit libraries (and binaries) in a subdirectory named 'sparcv9' - so 64-bit versions of libc, libm, etc, can be found in /usr/lib/sparcv9.

o Build a 64-bit MySQL library and install it in a DIFFERENT place than
  your 32-bit MySQL library - IE /usr/local/lib/sparcv9/mysql
o Build a 64-bit libnss-mysql:
  o Set CFLAGS settings in your environment to:
        gcc:      "-m64"
        Sun's CC: "-xarch=v9"
  o Re-run 'configure', pointing it at your 64-bit MySQL library
    (using --with-mysql=...)
  o Edit Makefile and change 'libdir' to be '/usr/lib/sparcv9'
  o Compile and install
o Test it by using programs such as 'ls' and 'ps' from the /usr/bin/sparcv9

At some point in the future, 64-bit support will be integrated.


See the file DEBUGGING
