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Commitizen friendly

The frontend is generated with Angular CLI.

This project uses the MEAN stack:

Other tools and technologies used:


  1. From project root folder install all the dependencies: npm i
  2. run
  3. HotChange proxy backend, if necessary.


npm start: nps Angular build, TypeScript compiler.

A window will automatically open at localhost:4200. Angular files are being watched. Any change automatically creates a new bundle and reload your browser.

HotChange proxy backend

In a second terminal, you can change backend on the fly. npm start proxy.local => to localhost:3000 npm start => to npm start => to

Build for Dev

npm start set to real backend in production. (will work only in deployed front with real url, otherwise you get CORS). npm start build: build the project with a production bundle and AOT compilation. npm start serve: serve the bundle listening at localhost:8080, no HotReload.

Build for Production

npm start set to real backend in production. (will work only in deployed front with real url, otherwise you get CORS). npm start build: build the project with a production bundle and AOT compilation. npm start serve: serve the bundle listening at localhost:8080, no HotReload.

Running linters

Run npm start lint to execute all lint

Run npm start lint.front to execute the frontend TS linting via TSLint.

Run npm start lint.html to execute the frontend HTML linting via HTMLHint.

Run npm start to execute the frontend SCSS linting via SASS-Lint.

Further help

To get more help on the angular-cli use ng --help or go check out the Angular-CLI README.
