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Syncronization tool to synchronize users from any standard LDAP to Microsoft Azure AD


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I originally developed ldap2azure for my vocational school to simplify the management of Office 365 user accounts there. They now use a different solution and I no longer have any use for the project. Unfortunately, I also lack the time to further maintain ldap2azure. Therefore I will archive the project for the time being. However, feel free to fork it if you are interested in it!

ldap2azure is a simple tool for automatically synchronizing and updating users from any standard LDAP to an Azure Active Directory.

ldap2azure ensures that all changes to LDAP objects are automatically synchronized to Azure AD. All properties of a user can be assembled from a mixture of fixed values and placeholders if required, making the synchronization very flexible.

What ldap2azure can and cannot do

ldap2azure can create simple user objects for the use with a SAML 2.0 identity provider such as Keycloak.
ldaps2azure is not designed to synchronize complete directory structures including groups, group memberships and resources, or users including their password hashes. A synchronization into the other direction, i.e. from Azure into an LDAP, is also not intended.
If your environment requires such functionality, or you use Microsoft Active Directory, take a look at Azure AD Connect instead.


The path of the configuration file is defined in the environment variable LDAP2AZURE_CONFIG. The specified folder must contain the configuration file with the name "config.json". If the environment variable is not set, the configuration is searched as a fallback in the folder where the .jar file is located.
Below is an example configuration that synchronizes users from an Samba 4 Active Directory:

  "general": {
    "syncCronExpression": "0 0/30 * ? * * *"
  "msGraph": {
    "msGraphTenantId": "<your-tenant-id-here>",
    "msGraphClientId": "<your-client-id-here>",
    "msGraphClientSecret": "<your-client-secret-here>",
    "usageLocation": "DE",
    "deleteBehavior": "SOFT"
  "ldap": {
    "ldapUrl": "ldaps://",
    "ldapBindUser": "CN=ServiceUser,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
    "ldapBindPassword": "VerySecurePassword1234",
    "ldapSearchBase": "CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
    "ldapSearchFilter": "(&(objectClass=user)(memberof=CN=AzureSyncUser,CN=Groups,DC=example,DC=com))",
    "ldapAttributes": [
        "attributeName": "givenName",
        "binary": false
        "attributeName": "sn",
        "binary": false
        "attributeName": "displayName",
        "binary": false
        "attributeName": "sAMAccountName",
        "binary": false
        "attributeName": "objectGUID",
        "binary": true
    "ignoreSSLErrors": false
  "userBuildPattern": {
    "givenNamePattern": "{givenName}",
    "surnamePattern": "{sn}",
    "displayNamePattern": "{displayName}",
    "onPremisesImmutableIdPattern": "{objectGUID}",
    "mailNicknamePattern": "{sAMAccountName}",
    "userPrincipalNamePattern": "{sAMAccountName}"
  "autoLicensing": {
    "featureEnabled": true,
    "defaultLicenseSkuIDs": [
  "web": {
    "featureEnabled": true,
    "keystorePassword": "SomePassword1234"

All sections of the config file are explained in detail below.

The "general" section

The "general" section contains all parameters that are not directly required for querying, processing and changing data.

Key Description Default value Example value
syncCronExpression Cron expression, when the SyncJob should be executed none 0 0/30 * ? * * *
debuggingEnabled (Optional) If true enables an integrated H2 console on port 8082 to debug the internal database false true
databaseJDBCUrl (Optional) JDBC url for the use of an external database such as MySQL. If not set the internal H2 database is used. Internal H2 database mysql://user:password@localhost/ldap2azure?useSSL=false

The "msGraph" section

The "msGraph" section contains all information required to connect to the Microsoft Graph API. The application under which ldap2azure runs must be a daemon application and have the Microsoft Graph permission Directory.ReadWrite.All and User.ReadWrite.All.
More about the creation of a Microsoft Graph daemon application can be found here.

Key Description Default value Example value
msGraphTenantId ID of the Azure AD tenant, ldap2azure connects to. Used for authentication. none 7a53db06-b010-4aef-ba79-337d9d2f29bb
msGraphClientId ID of the Microsoft Graph Application that should be used none 641e2b36-0bde-46af-b896-545532c0ba03
msGraphClientSecret Secret, which was generated for the application in Azure AD none Vo:MfG.AHK[eIwO?QhpdQ5mz0p8cG3L-
usageLocation Two character location code of the country new user accounts will be used in none DE
deleteBehavior (Optional) If set to HARD, users will be deleted completely if they are removed from the source ldap. If set to SOFT they will be moved to the recycling bin instead and will be deleted by Azure AD after 30 days SOFT HARD

The "ldap" section

The "ldap" section contains all information on how and which data is retrieved from the source LDAP.
If an LDAPS connection is used and the server only uses a self-signed certificate, this certificate must be added to the default Java Keystore for the connection to work correctly. Alternatively, any certificate can be accepted in test environments. However, it is strongly recommended not to do this in production environments.

Key Description Default value Example value
ldapUrl Connection string used to connect to the source LDAP server none ldaps://
ldapBindUser Identity that is used to bind to the source LDAP server none CN=ServiceUser,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com
ldapBindPassword Password used to authenticate as the bind user none SomeSecurePassword1234
ldapSearchBase DN of the base container in which the users to be synchronized are located none CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com
ldapSearchFilter LDAP filter to narrow down the objects to be synchronized none (&(objectClass=user)(memberof=CN=AzureSyncUser,CN=Groups,DC=example,DC=com))
ignoreSSLErrors (Optional) If true, certificate errors are ignored for LDAPS connections false true
ldapAttributes Array containing the LDAP attributes to be loaded, which can later be used in the pattern configuration none see below

Ldap attribute

Defines an attribute in the source LDAP, which can later be used in the pattern configuration.

Key Description Example value
attributeName Name of the attribute in the source ldap objectGUID
binary Set whether the attribute is binary. If so, it will be converted to a Base64 encoded string true

The "userBuildPattern" section

The "userBuildPattern" section contains the templates according to which the Azure user objects are created. Both fixed values and placeholders for values read from the LDAP can be used. A mixture of both is of course also possible.
An exemplary configuration which uses placeholders combined with fixed values is shown in the example configuration file above.

Key Description Example value
givenNamePattern Template for composing the given name of a user {givenName}
surnamePattern Template for composing the surname name of a user {sn}
displayNamePattern Template for composing the display name of a user {displayName}
onPremisesImmutableIdPattern Template for composing the on premises immutable id of a user. This value must be unique throughout your Azure AD. For a Federation with a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider, this value must be returned as NameID. {objectGUID}
mailNicknamePattern Template for composing the mail nickname of a user {sAMAccountName}
userPrincipalNamePattern Template for composing the user principal name of a user. This value must be unique throughout your Azure AD. {sAMAccountName}

The "autoLicensing" section

ldap2azure offers the possibility to automatically assign a license to new users that are being synchronized. This feature is optional, but recommended for an automated workflow.

Key Description Default value Example value
featureEnabled (Optional) Can be set true to enable the function or false to disable it false true
defaultLicenseSkuIDs (Optional) Array of GUIDs of the licenses to be used by default. More can be read here Empty array ["05e9a617-0261-4cee-bb44-138d3ef5d965"]

The "web" section

ldap2azure is equipped with a RESTful API and the possibility to provide a web frontend.
Once the feature is enabled, ldap2azure will create a default api user the first time it is started. The credentials are displayed in the console or log.

To provide a frontend, it must be located in a folder called web-frontend in the same folder as the JAR file of ldap2azure. The web-frontend folder must also contain at least an index.html file. If this is the case, it is automatically mounted at application startup.

My personal implementation of a frontend can be found on my GitHub account: ldap2azure-frontend
The documentation of the RESTful API is available here.

Key Description Default value Example value
featureEnabled (Optional) Can be set true to enable the function or false to disable it false true
httpPort (Optional) Sets the port under which the API and the management interface can be reached via HTTP 8080 80
httpsPort (Optional) Sets the port under which the API and the management interface can be reached via HTTPs 8443 443
keystorePassword (Optional) Password for the Java keystore that holds the HTTPs certificate changeit SomePassword1234
redirectHttp (Optional) Set if HTTP requests should be redirected to HTTPs instead true false

HTTPs for API and frontend

If you want to provide HTTPs, you need to create a Java keystore named ldap2azure.jks in the same folder as the JAR file of ldap2azure.
If you have a certificate in PEM format, the keystore can be created as follows:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey privkey.pem -out ldap2azure.pkcs12
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore ldap2azure.jks -srckeystore ldap2azure.pkcs12 -srcstoretype PKCS12

If you use a different password for the keystore than the default "changeit", you have to set it via the keystorePassword entry in the "webConfig" section.


By default, logs are stored in the "log" subdirectory of the directory you are running ldap2azure from. The log files are automatically rotated every 24 hours and archived as .gz files. All logs older than 30 days are automatically deleted. Log files are also deleted if the log folder exceeds 3 GB in size.

The path for log files can be adjusted with the parameter "-DLOG_DIR=/path/to/logs"
The name for log files can be adjusted with the parameter "-DLOG_NAME=myCustomLogName"

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This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the file for details