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Releases: Betterment/demo_mode

1.2 - JS Errors & Housekeeping!

24 Aug 18:49
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This release:

  • Resolves a javascript error when the personas <table> is not present.
  • Drops support for Ruby 2.7 and Rails 6.0
  • Incorporates some build/test housekeeping, including a switch from selenium-webdriver to cuprite! 🙌

Rails 7 support!

12 May 20:11
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This release ships with Rails 7 support, and also drops support for Rails < 6.

1.0.3 - Migration fixes!

15 Aug 22:02
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It turns out that the necessary migration files were not included as part of the rubygems release! This release fixes the issue. 🙃

What's Changed

  • Fix migration generator - rubygems release did not include migrations! by @smudge in #6

Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.3

1.0.1 - A Sprockets v4 Bugfix

03 Jun 15:36
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Always register demo_mode assets for precompilation, regardless of Rails.env.

When assets:precompile runs with RAILS_ENV=production, demo_mode's should still be generated. This fixes issues with Sprockets v4. (Sprockets v3 would precompile application.* and images by default.)

1.0.0 - RailsConf 2022 Edition!

13 May 19:28
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We've hit our 1.0 milestone, and along with it we're launching this open source release here and on!

To learn more about how we use demo_mode at Betterment, stay tuned for our ✨ upcoming RailsConf talk entitled "RAILS_ENV=demo" ✨!