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firestar300 committed Apr 25, 2021
1 parent ba2a781 commit 684a115
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Showing 3 changed files with 43 additions and 205 deletions.
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions .eslintignore

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244 changes: 43 additions & 201 deletions
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@@ -1,29 +1,35 @@
# BeAPI FrontEnd Framework
![Node.js CI](

## What is BeAPI FrontEnd Framework ?

BeAPI FrontEnd Framework (BFF) is a Front-end WordPress theme friendly boilerplate to help you to build your own WordPress theme with modern tools and a better productivity.
## ℹ️ What is BeAPI FrontEnd Framework ?

## Tools
* [Webpack 4](
* [Node SASS](
* [Favicons](
* [SVGStore](
* [SVGGo](
* [Lazysizes](
* [Eslint](
* [Babel Loader](
* [Browser Sync](
**Be API FrontEnd Framework** (BFF) is a friendly Front-end WordPress theme boilerplate to help you to start your own WordPress theme with modern tools.

## Requirements
## ⚒️ Main tools
* [Webpack 5]( JS, CSS and assets are built with Webpack.
* [Babel]( for ES6 browser support.
* [Eslint]( for JS code style.
* [Stylelint]( for CSS code style.
* [CSSNano]( for CSS optimization
* [PostCSS Preset Env]( for modern CSS properties compatibility.
* [PostCSS PX to REM]( to automatically convert px units to rem.
* [PostCSS Sort Media Queries]( to combine multiple similar medie queries declarations.
* [SVGO](svgo-loader) for SVG optimization.
* [Image Webpack Loader](image-webpack-loader) for images optimization.
* [Browser Sync]( to test your project on different devices.

## 🔴 Requirements

### Composer
You need composer to autoload all your classes from the inc folder.

Use the `beapi/composer-scaffold-theme` package that add it automatically to the composer.json file.
You can add it yourself like this :

"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
Expand All @@ -32,16 +38,16 @@ You can add it yourself like this :

## Autoload
### Autoload
The autoload is based on psr-4 and handled by composer.

### Node 8
### Node 12+

You need a minimum of Node 8.
You need a minimum of Node 12. Version 14 is recommended.

### Advanced Responsive Images

You need to work in a wordpress environment in order to make the BFF work with webpack for local dev. To do that you need to install [Advanced Responsive Images]( in your plugin folder.
You need to work in a WordPress environment in order to make the BFF work with webpack for local dev. To do that you need to install [Advanced Responsive Images]( in your `plugins` folder.

## Installation

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,210 +76,46 @@ Then install node dependencies with NPM or Yarn.
$ npm install

## Configuration
## ⚙️ Configuration

The configurations files are in `config` directory.
### Webpack
You can edit Webpack configuration with `webpack.config.js` file and settings by editing `webpack.settings.js`.
You can find the common Webpack settings file in `webpack.common.js`. For development mode purpose, you can edit `` file and for production mode, you can edit ``.
You also have the loaders in `loaders.js` file and Webpack's plugin in `plugins.js` file.

### Babel
You can find a `.babelrc` file to modify Babel configuration.

### Eslint
You can find a `.eslintrc.js` file to modify Eslint configuration and ignore files in `.eslintignore`.
You can find a `.eslintrc` file to modify Eslint configuration.

## How to use BFF ?
## 🚀 How to use BFF ?
After installing dependencies, you can run some commands which are explained below.

### Local Server with Browser Sync
You probably need to add this following line in your `hosts` file.

::1 localhost

and run a first time the following command to generate required distributions files to run the server properly.
$ npm run build:dev

Then, you can run a "Petit PHP" local server with Browser Sync by running :
$ npm start

### Watching files for development purpose
If you don't need a local server you just can compile AND watch styles and scripts (with sourcemap) by using :

$ npm run watch
### Start with Browser Sync

### Development build
If you want to build styles and scripts (with sourcemap) by using :
BFF is configured to work with [lando]( If you have a `.lando.yml` file in your project's root, set the path to your file in the `browsersync.config.js` file.

$ npm run build:dev
let fileContents = fs.readFileSync('../../../../.lando.yml', 'utf8')
Then, run the following command from the theme :

### Production build
For production purpose, you can compile all of your assets by using :

$ npm run build:prod
$ npm start

If you want to deliver assets for both developpement and production, run :
BrowserSync will proxy your lando'server based on the name defined in your `.lando.yml`.
### Build

$ npm run build

### Bump WordPress theme version
You can change your WordPress theme's version by using :

$ npm run bump [-t | -type] [patch | minor | major]

It will change the version of your theme filled in the `style.css` file in the theme's root.
There are 3 kinds of update available : patch, minor or major.

In the case of a multiple themes of a Wordpress project, you can use the previous task in any themes in one command with a bash script. To use the command, you have to move the `` file based in your WordPress theme's root to your WordPress project's root and go to the Wordpress root path with your Terminal software.

$ mv ../../../
$ cd ../../../

By the way, you can specify the type of bump wanted.
### Bundle report

$ sh [-t | -type] [patch | minor | major]

### Assets
#### Favicons

Generate appicons and favicons from the sources files in src/img/favicons/ by using :
You can launch a bundle report with the following command :

$ npm run favicon

#### SVG Icons
Generate SVG sprite from the icons files in src/img/icons/ by using :

$ npm run icon

Generate JSON image sizes and locations (more details in the [Responsive images section](#responsive-images)) by using :

# you can add csv as argument to generate a CSV file of image locations
$ npm run image [csv]

## Composer JS

In order to keep a lightweight stack, you can add extra components that are used most of the time in Web dev by using :

$ npm run composerjs

You can find the list of SCSS and JS components to use [here](

## Responsive images

WordPress native thumbnails are not enough for us. We want to build images :
* That can have differents art direction between differents viewports
* That can be displayed in the good resolution
* That can be lazyloaded, but still accessible if no Javascript

Something like this :
<!--[if IE 9]><video style="display: none"><![endif]-->
data-srcset="img-mobile, img-mobile 2x"
media="(max-width: 375px)" />
data-srcset="img-tablet, img-tablet 2x"
media="(max-width: 1024px)" />
data-srcset="img-desktop, img-desktop 2x" />
<!--[if IE 9]></video><![endif]-->
<img src="" class="lazyload" alt="image with artdirection"/>

So with the [Advanced Responsive Images]( plugin we can manage a `picture` tag with different file configuration.

* provide a 2x img with "x" descriptor. perfect for thumbnails. ( srcset="my_image, my_image-HD 2x" )
* provide a range of image depend on viewport with "w" descriptor. ( srcset="my_image-mobile 480w, my_image-tablet 768w, etc." )

You have to build your picture template in `src/conf-img/tpl`. `default-picture.tpl` is the main `<picture>` container. In this tpl we can see the reference for the sources we want, for example in `entry-img-01.tpl` we want a square image under 1024px viewport, displayed in normal or 2x resolution, for bigger screen a landscape image:

<source data-srcset="%%img-100-100%%, %%img-200-200%% 2x" media="(max-width: 1024px)" %%srcset%% />
<source data-srcset="%%img-300-200%%, %%img-600-400%% 2x" %%srcset%% />

Then run the following command to generate your JSON image locations and sizes :
$ npm run image

Example of *src/conf-img/images-sizes.json* :
Example of *src/conf-img/images-locations.json* :

"entry-img-01": [
"srcsets": [
"size": "img-100-100"
"size": "img-200-200"
"size": "img-300-200"
"size": "img-600-400"
"default_img": "default-300-200.jpg",
"img_base": "img-300-200"

`default_img` is used for default image if no image are provoded in WordPress Admin. `img_base` is used as fallback for older browser.

You can use this [Sketch extension]( to generate default image according to your *images-locations.json* file. There is a sketch file provided in the *src/img/default* folder.

Now you can use it in your markup like this:
<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail( 0, 'thumbnail', array( 'data-location' => 'entry-img-01' ) ); ?>
If you need to add a class to your picture (the lazyload class is added by default):
<?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail( 0, 'thumbnail', array( 'data-location' => 'entry-img-01', 'class' => 'my_class_name' ) ); ?>

We add Lazyload support too! We use [Lazysize]( in addition to picturefill in order to provide responsive image served as fast as possible.

If you don't want this feature you still can set BEA_LAZYSIZE to false in /functions/class-bea-images.php. it will turn the markup to basic img tag with srcset.

Lazysize is also used for displaying background image in different sizes for differents viewports. Look at the Lazysize bgset documentation and the `page__header` or `hero` pattern.
$ npm run bundle-report
Binary file modified screenshot.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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