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Prompt Enum

Shane Oatman edited this page Oct 1, 2019 · 1 revision

Prompt Enum

In MSAL 1.0 the enumeration UIBehavior was renamed to Prompt to align with the OpenId Connect Spec regarding auth request. See: Authentication Request

MSAL for Android supports the following values within the Prompt enumeration:

Name Description
SELECT_ACCOUNT Use when you want the user to be able to choose between accounts with which they have active sessions with the authority.
LOGIN Use when you want the user to authenticate explicitly again.
CONSENT Use when you want the user to explicitly consent again. Useful when you want the user to update a potentially existing record of consent to include additional scopes/permissions.
WHEN_REQUIRED Use when you want the authority to determine the correct behavior. Authenticate if no active sessions. Select account if multiple sessions. Consent if consent is required.