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Dmitry Kireev edited this page Apr 18, 2014 · 14 revisions

Describing a process of provisioning a Windows Server/Desktop in Foreman. Everything is provided "as is" and is nothing more than documentation of my process. Tested with Windows Server 2008 R2, but it should work with everything that has DISM built in (Server 2008 R2 and newer, Windows 7 and newer). If you have any suggestions or improvements - feel free to drop me a line!

Required Infrastructure

  1. [TFTP/PXE Server] (
  2. DHCP Server
  3. DNS Server
  4. CIFS-based Share
  5. Foreman Server
  6. Foreman Smart-Proxy for DHCP, TFTP and optionally DNS
  7. Windows Imaging Server ( >= Windows Server 2008 R2)

Other Prerequisites

  1. Windows Server ( >= 2008 R2) ISO + License for the target machine (one that we are provisioning).

High-level process

  1. Create boot.wim (WinPE >= 4.0)
  2. Create updated minimal install.wim with injected foreman toolset
  3. Put wim image on a smb network share
  4. Set up Foreman templates, OS configs
  5. Set up Foreman proxy for DHCP, PXE and DNS
  6. Create a New host and select proper name, subnet config, etc.