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The main software component here is the refbox crate. The other crates are support crates that are also used by other binaries, not included here.

Running the Binary

On Windows and Mac the app can be run by downloading the latest relase from GitHub and following the bundled instructions.


The app will log all events to a folder called uwh-refbox-logs, which will be placed in the appropriate system folder, selected by the directories crate's definition of data_local_dir. The locations will be:

Platform Value Example
Linux $XDG_DATA_HOME or $HOME/.local/share/uwh-refbox-logs /home/alice/.local/share/uwh-refbox-logs
macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/uwh-refbox-logs /Users/Alice/Library/Application Support/uwh-refbox-logs
Windows {FOLDERID_LocalAppData}\uwh-refbox-logs C:\Users\Alice\AppData\Local\uwh-refbox-logs

Running From Source

  1. You will need to Install Rust
  2. Ensure that you have the following libraries installed:
    • OpenSSL (libssl-dev package in apt)
    • pkg-config (pkg-config package in apt)
    • Alsa (libasound2-dev package in apt)
  3. Go to the refbox folder and cargo run
  4. Call the binary with the -h or --help flags to get the usage


There are provisions for cross compiling to windows and linux via Docker in the xc folder. If you are building on a Mac, you can also bundle the build into a .app with cargo bundle --release (you will need to cargo install cargo-bundle first).


Contributions are welcome, just open a PR with your changes. All PRs must pass all tests, must have no clippy warnings, and must pass cargo audit before being merged.