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This wrapper project will set up a full working environment including all sub projects. There is no need to clone every individual sub project, this repo is the only one you need.


Run when you want a fresh start. This will git clone all sub projects into ./projects:


  • Make sure you have node 8+ and yarn installed before building.
  • This command will delete ./projects so make sure all changes are committed.


You can use the exported Config singleton, from the common-library-typescript library, in order to access the configuration key-value store. As a convention, it'll look for the configuration file based on the environment type:

  • Development (default): config/development.json.
  • Test (NODE_ENV=test): config/test.json.
  • Staging/Production (NODE_ENV=production): config/production.json.

You can pass values through environment, but you have to replace colon (:) with double underscore (__) for it to work. For example, logger:logzio:apiKey becomes logger__logzio__apiKey.

Configuration Keys


Global logger configuration:

  • level: The level of messages that should be logged. Possible values are: debug, info, warn, error. Default is info.
  • fileName: The filename of the log file to write the output to. Default is logs/default.log.
  • maxSize: The max size (in bytes) of the log file. If the size is exceeded then a new file is created and a counter will become a suffix of the log file. Default is 10MB.
  • maxFiles: The limit of the number of files created when the size of the log file is exceeded. Default is 10.
  • console: Whether logging to the console/stdout should be enabled.
  • logzio: configuration:
    • enabled: Whether shipping logs to should be enabled.
    • apiKey: The API key (i.e., account token).

For example:

  "logger": {
    "level": "debug",
    "fileName": "logs/development.log",
    "maxSize": 1024000,
    "maxFiles": 4,
    "logzio": {
      "enabled": false,
      "apiKey": "API_KEY"

Build (slow)

Run when you made a big change in one of the sub projects and you want to fully build all of them:


  • This will yarn install all the sub projects which is a little slow but safer.
  • This will also lint your code which is a little slow but safer.

Develop Effectively

After installing, when developing services actively, use this to make your life easier:


  • This will watch for file changes on all typescript sub projects and recompile automatically.
  • Work directly on all sub projects inside the folder ./projects, they're separate git repos.

Run Inside of Docker

docker-compose up will build an image.

Docker in AWS CloudFormation

Install ecs-cli

sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/ecs-cli
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ecs-cli

If you want to pull images, log into AWS Elastic Container Registry.

$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-west-2)

Deploy new stack:

ecs-cli compose --file docker-compose.staging.yml --ecs-params ecs-params.yml --region us-west-2 --cluster orbs-network-staging up

Please refer to documentation in deploy/cloudformation folder.

Run Tests In Staging-like Environment

./ && ./ has environment variables that allow you to customize its behaviour:

  • DOCKER_IMAGE and DOCKER_TAG environment variables to if the image is already pre-built
  • FORCE_RECREATE recreates all containers (off by default)
  • STAY_UP if you do not want containers to go down (off by default)
  • LOCAL if you want to mount local volumes from docker-compose.test.volumes.local.yml

Pairing LOCAL with is highly recommended for local development.


Visual Studio Code

Recommended Extensions

  • Docker
  • ESLint
  • Go
  • Markdown All in One
  • markdownlint
  • npm
  • npm Intellisense
  • Path Intellisense
  • Python
  • solidity
  • Spell Right
  • TODO Highlight
  • TSLint
  • vscode-proto3


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