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feat: redelegate, undelegate on StakingAccountKit #28128

feat: redelegate, undelegate on StakingAccountKit

feat: redelegate, undelegate on StakingAccountKit #28128

Triggered via pull request May 13, 2024 23:44
synchronize #9331
Status Success
Total duration 23m 37s


on: pull_request
Matrix: build
Matrix: test-boot
Matrix: test-cosmic-swingset
Matrix: test-inter-protocol
Matrix: test-quick
Matrix: test-quick2
Matrix: test-solo
Matrix: test-swingset
Matrix: test-swingset2
Matrix: test-swingset3
Matrix: test-swingset4
Matrix: test-zoe-swingset
Matrix: test-zoe-unit
Fit to window
Zoom out
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34 errors and 23 warnings
test-cosmic-swingset (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-quick2 (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-zoe-unit (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-quick (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset2 (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset2 (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset2 (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-quick2 (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-quick2 (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset3 (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset3 (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-solo (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-zoe-unit (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-zoe-unit (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-solo (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-inter-protocol (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-inter-protocol (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-quick (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-quick (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-zoe-swingset (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-zoe-swingset (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-zoe-swingset (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset3 (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-cosmic-swingset (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-cosmic-swingset (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset4 (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset4 (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-swingset4 (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-boot (xs)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-boot (20.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-boot (18.x)
Process completed with exit code 124.
test-cosmic-swingset (xs)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-go@v4. For more information see:
lint-rest: packages/internal/src/marshal.js#L75
Invalid JSDoc tag (preference). Replace "return" JSDoc tag with "returns"
lint-rest: packages/internal/src/tagged.d.ts#L73
Invalid JSDoc tag name "category"
lint-rest: packages/internal/src/tagged.d.ts#L106
Invalid JSDoc tag name "category"
lint-rest: packages/internal/src/tagged.d.ts#L139
Invalid JSDoc tag name "category"
lint-rest: packages/internal/src/utils.js#L258
Prefer for...of instead of Array.forEach
lint-rest: packages/xsnap/src/avaXS.js#L388
Prefer for...of instead of Array.forEach
lint-rest: packages/notifier/src/storesub.js#L19
Invalid JSDoc tag name "alpha"
lint-rest: packages/notifier/test/publish-kit.test.js#L85
Prefer for...of instead of Array.forEach
lint-rest: packages/wallet/api/src/lib-wallet.js#L586
Promises must be awaited, end with a call to .catch, end with a call to .then with a rejection handler or be explicitly marked as ignored with the `void` operator
lint-rest: packages/wallet/api/src/lib-wallet.js#L596
Promises must be awaited, end with a call to .catch, end with a call to .then with a rejection handler or be explicitly marked as ignored with the `void` operator
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/cleanProposal.js#L50
Prefer for...of instead of Array.forEach
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/contractFacet/rightsConservation.js#L21
Prefer for...of instead of Array.forEach
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/contractFacet/rightsConservation.js#L79
Prefer for...of instead of Array.forEach
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/contractFacet/zcfMint.js#L109
Promises must be awaited, end with a call to .catch, end with a call to .then with a rejection handler or be explicitly marked as ignored with the `void` operator
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/contractFacet/zcfMint.js#L146
Promises must be awaited, end with a call to .catch, end with a call to .then with a rejection handler or be explicitly marked as ignored with the `void` operator
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/contractFacet/zcfSeat.js#L170
Promises must be awaited, end with a call to .catch, end with a call to .then with a rejection handler or be explicitly marked as ignored with the `void` operator
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/contractFacet/zcfSeat.js#L188
Promises must be awaited, end with a call to .catch, end with a call to .then with a rejection handler or be explicitly marked as ignored with the `void` operator
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/contractFacet/zcfSeat.js#L413
Prefer for...of instead of Array.forEach
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/contractFacet/zcfSeat.js#L414
Prefer for...of instead of Array.forEach
lint-primary: packages/zoe/src/contractFacet/zcfSeat.js#L459
Prefer for...of instead of Array.forEach
test-cosmic-swingset (20.x)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-go@v4. For more information see:
test-cosmic-swingset (18.x)
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/setup-go@v4. For more information see: