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Pete Garcin edited this page Jul 28, 2017 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the ActiveState code wiki!

The code repo is a place to share code snippets, recipes and other useful tidbits!

What is this repo for?

This repo exists to contribute useful snippets, utility functions, and other interesting tidbits in any language that may be helpful to other developers.

Is there a master list of all the recipes?

You can find the master index of all recipes here.

Coming Soon: Search Functionality!

How do I submit a new recipe?

  1. Fork the code repo.
  2. Create your new recipe in the correct language subfolder (create a new folder if it doesn't already exist).
  3. Make sure you have included a README as well as your source file.
  4. Submit a PR.

Coming Soon: Submit recipes hosted in your own repo linked back from here!

How do I submit a change or revision to a recipe?

Same as above, fork the code repo and submit a PR with your change.

What license is this code released under?

By default, all newly submitted code is licensed under the MIT license. If your recipe is being released under a different license, please make sure to include a LICENSE file inside your recipe directory.

All legacy recipes retain their original license. Please see the LICENSE file inside each recipe folder for details.

How else can I contribute?

Recipes don't always have to be code - great documentation, tutorials, general tips and even general improvements to our wiki are greatly appreciated.