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Game Log Parser for AssaultCube/ActionFPS

This project turns log lines from AssaultCube/ActionFPS into games. There is no 'game' data format outputted by the server which is why we need to do it ourselves.

Format problems

There are many problems with the AC data format that we shall overcome.

They will have to be fixed in the server itself though.

  1. No server ID/hostname. There should be a server ID & hostname.
  2. No timestamp. There should be one.
  3. Where there is a timestamp per message, it is of format Sep 01 15:51:11, does not have year or time offset. Should contain ISO8601 with zone and offset.

Current syslog format

Date: 2016-05-14T13:00:40.944Z, Server: aura AssaultCube[local#1999], Payload: Team  CLA:  3 players,    5 frags

Server ID / hostname problem

As the logs are received via syslog, we actually receive a server name in form such as: aura AssaultCube[local#1999]

Unfortunately this forces us to have to maintain a list of mappings from this 'id' to a server such as as the format is varying and unpredictable.

No timestamp problem

As we are using syslog to collect the events, we make use of the syslog timestamp to attach a timestamp to the full message, to produce in syslog-ac the following:

Date: 2016-05-14T13:00:40.944Z, Server: aura AssaultCube[local#1999], Payload: Team  CLA:  3 players,    5 frags

If we wanted to rebuild a somewhat more accurate world view, a current timestamp can be obtained at a message that contains Status at 01-09-2016 15:51:21. However this is missing a time offset and time zone.

With this we'd be able to attach the Status timestamp for all the following messages until a new Status is received (once a minute).

Where there is a timestamp

It's in the form of Sep 01 15:51:11. Non-standard, missing year and time zone/offset. We can combine it with the Status message above, to get a local date time.

This approach is being used for the ladder parser, to get messages in the form:

2016-04-27T08:26:08 Status at 27-04-2016 08:26:08: 0 remote clients, 0.0 send, 0.0 rec (K/sec); Ping: #0|0|0; CSL: #0|0|0 (bytes)
2016-04-27T08:26:08 master server registration succeeded

Ideal format

Ideal format produced by every single server should look like:

2017-01-14T09:38:14.406+08:00[Asia/Singapore] master server registration succeeded
2017-01-14T09:38:14[UTC] master server registration succeeded

This gives us:

  • String-sortable, and thus mergeable data. We can merge multiple servers data easily.
  • May contain server local time information (although we always prefer UTC anyway).
  • Contains FQDN of the server name. This is the human friendly version and people typically refer to this when they are having issues for example.
  • Contains the full IP of the server name. This allows us to know what IP that hostname had at the time as IPs may change due to migrations etc.

So perhaps this is the common format we should look at producing from now on, in all cases.

Currently we don't support the 'Ideal format' for any of the tools.


./ << EOF
Sep 01 15:51:21 Status at 01-09-2016 15:51:21: 0 ...
Sep 01 16:21:15 [] client connected
2016-09-01T15:51:21 Status at 01-09-2016 15:51:21: 0 ...
2016-09-01T16:21:15 [] client connected
./ <<EOF
heredoc> Status at 01-09-2016 15:51:21: 0 ...
heredoc> [] client connected
heredoc> EOF
2016-09-01T15:51:21 Status at 01-09-2016 15:51:21: 0 ...
2016-09-01T15:51:21 [] client connected
./ --server-ip= <<EOF
2016-09-01T15:51:21 Status at 01-09-2016 15:51:21: 0 ...
2016-09-01T16:21:15 [] client connected
2016-09-01T15:51:21Z Status at 01-09-2016 15:51:21: 0 ...
2016-09-01T16:21:15Z [] client connected

Combined example

./ <<EOF |
pipe heredoc> Sep 01 15:51:21 Status at 01-09-2016 15:51:21: 0 ...
pipe heredoc> Sep 01 16:21:15 [] client connected
pipe heredoc> EOF
pipe> ./ --server-ip=
2016-09-01T15:51:21Z Status at 01-09-2016 15:51:21: 0 ...
2016-09-01T16:21:15Z [] client connected

Ideal state format

Ideally a game's state is outputted as an XML or JSON string. A single long line is preferred to a bunch of split up lines, to minimise the parsing work.

The output should contain as much information as possible, with as few indirections as possible. E.g. if it's a TDM then don't include a 'flags' field.

Take inspiration from :

  "id": "2015-04-04T14:09:12Z",
  "endTime": "2015-04-04T10:06:05-04:00",
  "map": "ac_ingress",
  "mode": "ctf",
  "state": "match",
  "teams": [
      "name": "RVSF",
      "flags": 13,
      "frags": 119,
      "players": [
          "name": "STK#TiAg0",
          "score": 1013,
          "flags": 8,
          "frags": 51,
          "deaths": 36,
          "clan": "stk",
          "countryCode": "BR",
          "countryName": "Brazil",
          "timezone": "America/Sao_Paulo"
          "name": "Lozi",
          "score": 856,
          "flags": 5,
          "frags": 68,
          "deaths": 41,
          "user": "lozi",
          "countryCode": "BR",
          "countryName": "Brazil",
          "timezone": "America/Sao_Paulo"
      "name": "CLA",
      "flags": 3,
      "frags": 76,
      "players": [
          "name": "FD*Federico.",
          "score": 393,
          "flags": 2,
          "frags": 35,
          "deaths": 60,
          "user": "fede",
          "clan": "fd",
          "countryCode": "IT",
          "countryName": "Italy",
          "timezone": "Europe/Rome"
          "name": "STK#Yang*",
          "score": 474,
          "flags": 1,
          "frags": 41,
          "deaths": 55,
          "clan": "stk",
          "countryCode": "BR",
          "countryName": "Brazil",
          "timezone": "America/Sao_Paulo"
  "server": " tyrwoopac AssaultCube[local#1999]",
  "duration": 15,
  "achievements": [
      "user": "lozi",
      "text": "Lozi became Flag Master"
  "startTime": "2015-04-04T09:51:05-04:00",
  "winner": "RVSF"

Ideal future logging

The less context per each line, the better. For example, instead of showing [] w00p|Drakas fragged w00p|pwns, let's remove the indirection by including an IP address of the other person, as well as a CN of that person.

Including the current team? Not sure if that's useful.

Let's just start from the most basic stuff, which is time.

Release procedure

  1. Make sure you're on the Bintray organization:
  2. Add a git tag to the current clean commit ( git tag 5.4.x for example )
  3. git push origin -u HEAD to push the tag.
  4. sbt publish


resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("actionfps", "maven")
libraryDependencies += "com.actionfps" %% "package" % "version"