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The purpose of this project is to create a Material for Mkdocs website, not as a documentation portal, but for my personal website as an author.

The purpose of this readme is to document the steps I went through to install and use Material for Mkdocs as I find it incredibly valuable for my very limited memory to refer back to what I actually did step by step and decision by decision.

While this is a personal reference, perhaps the step by step approach might be of use as a reference for someone else as well.

Initial Steps

  1. Create github repository (in previously existing github account)
  2. Install Git for Windows
  3. Clone repository via Visual Studio Code and https
  4. Start updating readme
  5. Create python virtual environment using py -m venv venv
  6. Activate python virtual environment .\venv\Scripts\activate (Windows)
  7. Within python virtual environment: Install material-mkdocs pip install mkdocs-material
  8. Within python virtual environment: Create new mkdocs site mkdocs new .
  9. Update mkdocs.yml: add material theme theme: name: material (two separate lines)

Social Card Steps

  1. Install Msys2
  2. Within Msys2 run pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk4
  3. Add to Windows PATH C:\msys64\mingw64\bin\
  4. Within python virtual environment pip install "mkdocs-material[imaging]"


  • From within python virtual environment Run mkdocs webserver locally to view site as is mkdocs serve
  • From within python virtual environment build site to move to private webspace mkdocs build

Source Control (VsCode Git extension connected to github repo)

  1. Create a new branch by hitting branch button in bottom left bar
  2. Choose Create a new branch option from top bar, name branch, hit confirm
  3. On Source Control Tab: Stage file via + option either next to a file or the top level Changes folder
  4. On Source Control Tab: Type Commit Message and hit Commit button
  5. On Source Control Tab: Hit Sync Changes (Publish Branch?) button to 'push' to Github

Source Control (Github)

  1. Create pull request between new branch and main
  2. Merge pull request
  3. Confirm merge
  4. Delete branch

Tools Used

Tool Comment
GitHub Source Control
Visual Studio Code Code Editor & related tools
Python Language for static site generator
Mkdocs Static site generator using Markdown
Material for Mkdocs Extensive theme for Mkdocs
markdownlint VS Code extension Linter for Markdown
Spell Right VS Code extension Spellchecker
ASUS laptop Hardware
Windows 11 OS


Test popup Update with github and new site links.


  • Fix typo in first blog
  • Update icons
  • Update title of page to my name
  • override main and add landack
  • Add pop up form for newsletter
  • Add embedded form for newsletter


  • Using the p html tag to align text.
  • Using the div html tag for embedded form.


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