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Tip Calculator in PHP

This pre-work incorporates the following 3 required steps and 3 optional steps:

  1. Install PHP
  2. Build a Tip Calculator using PHP
  3. Submit your code for review
  4. Optional: Add support for custom tip percentage
  5. Optional: Add support for splitting the tip and total
  6. Optional: Extend your app, improve UI, add features

1. Install PHP

Refer to the website for general installation instructions.

  • If you are on a Mac, PHP should already be installed. You can open up the Terminal application and type "php -v" to find out which version you have. PHP 5.5 or later is required for this course, and PHP 7 or later is preferred. If you want to upgrade to a newer version and do not already have experience with package managers like Homebrew, MacPorts, or Fink, then the installer by Liip will be the easiest way to upgrade.

  • If you are on Windows, installing WAMP ( which includes PHP, Apache, and MySQL may be easier than any of the other installation choices. (The assignment does not use Apache and MySQL, but the course will.)

2. Build a Tip Calculator using PHP

  • Build an HTML page which includes a form for calculating the amount of tip using the amount of the bill without tip and the tip percentage.

    • The bill subtotal should be a text input to allow any value.
    • The tip percentage should use radio buttons for three choices: 10%, 15%, and 20%. IMPORTANT: You MUST use a PHP loop to output the three radio buttons.
  • Submitting the form will initiate form processing using PHP. It should:

    • Set reasonable default values.
    • Confirm the presence and format of submitted values. The bill subtotal should be present and greater than 0. The percentage should be present and greater than 0.
    • If all values are valid, calculate the amount of the tip and the total bill when the tip is included.
  • After PHP processes the form, the form should be re-displayed with:

    • Form fields pre-populated with the submitted values and selections.
    • Indicate any form errors which need to be fixed.
    • If all values were valid, display the amount of the tip and the total bill when the tip is included in a box below the form. Be sure to format the values properly as currency. This result box should not display the first time the page loads (only after a form is submitted).
  • Use CSS to add design to make your page look good.

An example of the finished product with required features complete:

tip calcculator - required

3. Submit your code for review

Once you've completed the Tip Calculator application, please push your app via Github. Also be sure to include a README containing a GIF walkthrough using LiceCap of the app demonstrating how it works with required user stories completed. Use this README template.

After you have completed all required user stories and added a README as described above then you are ready to notify us that you are ready for a pre-work review. You can either mail us at or send a pull request to this repository.

Note: All project code repos are pushed to github. If needed, review how to push your apps to github with this handy tutorial. You should add a .gitignore to your project as well to avoid storing compiled and local files in git.

Submission Checklist

Please review the following checklist to ensure your submission is valid:

  1. Did you successfully push your code to github? Can you see the code on GitHub?
  2. Did you add a README which includes a GIF walkthrough of the app's functionality?
  3. Did you use our README template for your README?
  4. Does your GIF render directly in your README? When using Imgur, you can right-click on the gif and choose "Copy Image Address" to get the correct address. Make sure the address has a .gif extension. If you end up with a url that has a .gifv extension, removing the v and changing this to .gif will ensure the gif renders on GitHub.

Congratulations on completing the required portion of the pre-work! The remaining steps are optional, but completing them will significantly improve your skills.

4. Optional: Add support for custom tip percentage

  • After the three percentage radio buttons, add a fourth radio button labeled "Custom". Include a text input to allow users to enter a custom tip percentage value (such as "18.5").

  • In the PHP processing, use the custom tip percentage whenever "Custom" has been selected. Be sure to provide good default values and to correctly re-display all the submitted values when the result is shown.

5. Optional: Add support for splitting the tip and total

  • Add a new text input which will allow users to split the tip and total bill between any number of people.

  • The split number should default to 1 and should not work for 0 or negative numbers.

  • Display both the split tip and the split total.

6. Optional: Extend your app, improve UI, add features

The sky's the limit on ways you can improve your code. Some ideas include:

  • improve the design
  • add JavaScript or Ajax (but not to replace the PHP)
  • define custom functions to better organize the code
  • enhance the error messages
  • use locale specific currency
  • add a currency thousands separator
  • store the last submission in a cookie or the session

An example of the finished product with required features complete:

tip calculator - optionals


Simple task for students learning PHP






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