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Releases: 2785/warframe-assistant


01 Jul 22:05
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Updated cobra to v1.2.0, which came with sweet sweet autocompletion. Admittedly not of much use for a server app, but we have it :)

Also updated git chglog config to have it capture @renovate-bot 's contribution properly.


01 Jul 21:38
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Score verification dialog now uses discord interaction action row buttons

Yes I did pull in the discordgo@master before it's tagged

Minor improvements / refactoring shipped with, now can take in config from a variety of sources including config file, env var, and CLI arguments.

Proper Caching

13 Jun 15:04
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Proper caching has been implemented, if REDIS_URL is supplied it will use the redis, else it will use an in memory cache with proper eviction, no more memory overflow.

We all have to start from somewhere :)

11 Jun 17:46
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  • Basic features complete with support for two types of events
  • Some cleaning up pending
  • Approximately zero function docs :)