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🐬🐬 Orka!

Orka is peer to peer LAN(Local Area Network) data sharing service. It's a renewal version of LocalDrop.

Orka links


link :

Mobile version


πŸ’‘ In home and office, sometimes I need to transfer data (text or file) from device1 to device2. It would be easy if sharing app (google drive, dropbox, etc) is installed in both devices. But most of time, it is not. So I decided to make my own sharing service. The reason to make this by myself is because it would be fun and I can customize whatever I want. Plus, I haven't used webRTC and webSocket before, it's good chance to practice those apis! That's why I made Orka.

Previously, it was LocalDrop but due to poor design, I renewaled with talented designer - Check behance!

How to use

πŸ“š Each browser has its own name. It's all sea creatures. The browser's own name is My. When other peers upload file or text, then peer tab will be updated. Click the peer then peer's shared files or texts are displayed. You can download a file or copy a text or url.

Important!: To use download feature, Turn off Update on reload in chrome devTools - Application - Service Workers section. To avoid memory issue for large file transfer, Orka uses StreamSaver.js. It ingeniously solves memory issue using iframe + service worker. Because it utilizes service worker heavily, we need to turn Update on reload option off.

Sending data

You can send text or any kind of data.
πŸ“πŸ“‹ To send any kind of data, click the Upload button.

Important!: After you upload files, it does not transfer to others immediately. It just gives download link to other peer. When other peer requests download, then transfer starts.

Change color theme

🎨 Okra supports Light and Dark mode!

Self Hosting

πŸ› οΈ Because webRTC needs to transfer offer and answer between peers, there is signaling server outside of LAN. If you want to host signaling server by yourself. Follow these steps.

  • clone this repository

client side

// in the repository,
$ cd client
$ yarn dev

signal server side

// in the repository,
$ cd signaling-server
$ npm run dev

Change url as you want!

Many urls are from .env.development file. Customize yourself

// File: .env.development


Verify downloaded file

This is for checking download function works as expected. There is a file for this verify_file.js. You can use it as below.

$ node verify/verify_file.js {your-file1} {your-file2}


🚧 Current version is v1.0.0. There are lots of things to do. Here's TODO list

  • Remove chunk header (It causes slow down download speed)
  • Create dataChannel everytime download request (to support parallel download)
  • Better UX - animation
  • Notify system message via toast or notification
    • notification center would be nice?
  • Display download progress for transfer side
  • Handle peerConnection recreate
  • Handle webSocket recreate
  • Make docker image to support cross flatform self hosting
  • Make Logo icons
  • Handle ping/pong based on visibility change


🌐 Because I use chromium, chrome and samsung browser, I tested those and it seems Orka runs smoothly.

Self QnA

πŸ™‹ This section is self QnA.

Why Browser Compatibility is limited?

Because I made this to use by myself, I haven't tested on Opera and Firefox.
One thing for sure is that Orka can not support ios Safari and Safari.

Okra not works in my environment X(

Sadly, there are several reasons I guess. In my case, I have experienced this situation in StarBucks. I guess if router blocks sending data to local peer, this could be happened.

πŸš„ About download speed

Why Okra sends chunk with header?

Currently, Okra sends chunk with header to classify where does chunk from. Putting and parsing header has some overhead. If header is removed, then speed would be faster 2 times (I've tested).

Why do we care about BufferControl?

Depends on your device (pc or mobile) and network environment, buffer control is needed. In chromium, buffer size is 16 Mb for now, 14:07 Wed 01 Jul 2020. ( If buffer is overflowed in sending side, dataChannel got error Unable to queue data for sending.

So I set buffer limit as half of chromium limitation (8 Mb). Hence, because of buffer control, download speed varies a bit.

πŸ• Why DataChannel Chunk size is 16k?

RTCDataChannel.send() has some limitation. Some people recommends to send around 16kiB at most. I referred these links

🐏 Memory Issue about Transfer Large file: Why does Orka use StreamSaver.js?

When transferring large file, we need to care about memory in receiver side. If we just accumulate chunks in memory, device would be crashed easily. I've tested and if you have enough swap space, then accumulated chunks are goes into swap area. It's okay for desktop, but not for mobile.

We can use filesystem API but it is deprecated. That's why I use StreamSaver.js to avoid memory issue.


WIP chromatic link: